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  1. Thank you FS. I can find the info on a Deed of Assignment - they sent me a copy of it later, dated 26th May 2010. What I'm wondering is if the Notice of Assignment was valid if it was undated. I can't find any definitive information on this.
  2. Thank you FS. Do you know where I can find documentation saying they must be dated - it seems common sense, but I want to be able to quote a document.
  3. I have an alleged debt with Santander, which they claim in a letter dated 19 May 2010 to having already assigned to CL Finance, but without specifying a date of assignment. A Notice of Assignment from Howard Cohen dated 28th May 2010 gives no date of assignment. It says "by an assignment dated and made between ........". I presume there should be a date inserted between the words 'dated' and 'and'. Another letter from Howard Cohen dated 4th August says: " Your account ....... was assigned to CL Finance Ltd on and a notice of assignment was previously sent to you." Again, no date. Are these notices valid without a date? If not, does anyone know where I can find a documentary reference to say so?
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