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Everything posted by Ivan89

  1. Hello i recently this month cancelled my placement with them best thing to do is to write them a very sincere and professional letter i know this sounds unpractical after the way they have messed you about but do it anyways and you will have more chance of them taking notice of you. several days later i got a letter of appology from themselves and a full refund of my money. step 1 print of a copy of the email you sent them and also a screenshot of the email in your sent folder of your email provider also keep several copies for yourself also keep a few copies of your letter. step 2 At the post office inclue your letter plus any external evidence you have of your efforts to contact themselves and neatly place them in a brown packet preferably with a bubble wrap inside write the company adress on the envelope as best you can and attach a first class stamp and last but not least make sure you send the letter via recorded delivery and keep the reciept if anyone needs help or advice in how to write a letter attach your email to a reply and i will forward the letter i sent to the company Ivan89
  2. hello i am currently in the same plight but am now in the process of cancelling my direct debit and seeking legal advice these people shouldent be allowed to get away with what they do
  3. I have the same issue but with annother company called careerjobsuk i applied for training with them through my job centre website and got a phone call several days later asking if i was still interested in the course i said yes and he arranged a telephone interview for the next morning everything seemed fine and they advertised that all the learning and trading was funded by them until towards the end of being accepted onto the course i was told that it was at a cost of £79.00 a month and he asked me for my bank details i decided to give the course a try because i wanted to better myself because i am stuck in a dead end job i did inform them of my issues with a broken pc which may give me difficulties to complete the coursework on time the agreement on the phone was 12hours a week studying or more and constant contact with my training advisors since signing up before christmas i have not logged onto the system and did not recieve a welcome pack from them and have had no constant contact i sent an email to themselves only a week after enrolling of my wish to resign i got no reply and each month they carry on taking money out of my bank account i am in the process of cancelling my direct debit with them and also sending them a formal letter of complaint i wish to seek legal advice and i am also planning to put in a freedom of information request and a letter to the consumer standards organisation has there anyone else who has had this problem if i ever want an education i am going back to college never again will i choose a home learning program
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