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  1. Hi there, I need a bit of advice as i am trying to claim a tax refund from HMRC but keep coming up against brick walls. I am currently employed and have been since 2006. In 2006 i was registered as Self-employed and kept HMRC up to date with all my employment records. For the year 2010/11 there was a bit of an overlap as they had not deleted my self-employment records so i had 2 tax references - one being a self-employed reference and the other being an employed reference. To clear this matter up, they asked me to complete a tax return which i happily did online. On completion of the tax return, it stated that i was entitled to a refund of £1,295.40 within this employment. When i received my statement through, it said that i was not entitled to anything and that i had nothing to pay either. On calling the tax office, they stated that i did indeed have an overpayment due to me but needed to complete a paper form as the deadline for online returns had been closed. I sent the tax office a letter with my P60 for the year 2010/11 disputing the claim that i needed to complete another tax return to which was replied: Dear Mr xxxxxx, Thank you for your letter dated 01 July 2011 and attached P60. I note that you are disputing whether a 2010-11 Self Assessment Income Tax Return needs to be completed. You submitted an on-line return after nil charge had been made for the year 2010-11. We cannot accept an on-line Tax Return once a year has been closed. We issued you with a paper return with an employer page. This is to be completed by 30 October 2011 for paper returns and 31 January 2012 on-line. Once a return has been issued, it needs to be completed by law. I trust this now explains the position. Any refund due will be made on receipt of the Return. i return your P60 for the year 2010-11 herewith. Yours sincerely Mrs J xxxx Unfortunately, i'm still confused. I submitted my return on the 12th May 2011 online so clearly met the deadline. Within the form i completed was an employer page which i completed. Therefore, what exactly is the difference between them assessing my online form and me having to complete a paper form containing all the same information? I submit forms online as it is more convenient for me due to the fact that i have to drive to the nearest postbox, i also assumed (stupidly) that it would be more efficient. I have also misplaced the form they sent me and am unable to submit a new form online. Also, on checking my online summary it clearly states that i am due a refund, so why is it so difficult to actually get?? Some advice and possibly an explanation would be greatly appreciated. Kindest regards, Littlelion2010
  2. Hi there, I have been having a bit of an ongoing battle with Go Debt and have been ignoring them consistently for the last year or so. This morning i recieved a letter saying that they are "considering issuing a claim via Cardiff County Court to recover the monies you owe. If judgement is obtained we may then look to recover the monies by way of either an Attachment of Earnings against your salary or alternatively a Warrant of Control." I know what an attachment to earnings is but i have no earnings for them to claim off of, what i want to know is what is a Warrant of Control? I have never heard that term before and can't seem to find any information on it. Also, are they able to go through Cardiff County Court without me being there? I live in London and will be unable to contest the claim in person should this actually go through. Do they still have to give me full details of court action? Personally, i think Go Debt are just trying to scare me which isn't really working. This debt becomes Statute Barred in April so they are trying everything to get money out of me. I just want to know what a Warrant of Control is and whether they have just made it up or not. Tried searching for info via google and on this forum but nothing exact came up. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Littlelion2010 x
  3. I received my Experian Credit report this morning and there is nothing on there from either Go Debt or the company that they bought the debt from. I also have a debt with Barclays that is due to become Statute Barred in July and that isn't on there anymore either, and i know that is definitely mine! Does this mean that the debts are no longer able to be claimed for? I'm a bit confused as the only thing that is on there is a default of £269 from a catalogue and is dated 20/02/09. I also received the CA from Go Debt this morning and as soon as i have sussed out my scanner (its new and i'm not very technical!) i will post it up here. The CA is definitely mine and they also emailed me a screenshot of payments made. The last payment i made was in April 2006, but according to the screenshot, 5 different payments were made on the same day which i find a bit odd. Any idea on the best course of action?
  4. Judging by the discussions on this forum, a lot of people have complained about Go Debt so when i do complain i want it backed up with evidence. Are you able to help as to the course of action given my circumstances? I'm unsure as to whether this debt is mine but can't be 100% sure it's not, so would they be able to reclaim given my circumstances? If so, how?
  5. I have got one of those voice recorders for the phone calls so when i do contact Trading Standards i've got some proof. Although i haven't had any calls since requesting my CA which was about a week ago. I was given the recorder the weekend so am just waiting really. What i'm really interested in is whether they are able to reclaim the debt given my circumstances and if so, how??
  6. Has anyone been taken to court by Go Debt? I've got a alledged debt with them for less than £400 and was wondering if anyone else has had dealings with them? I have found them to be really aggressive and have refused to take their telephone calls often putting the phone down on them but they keep ringing until i answer. I have been reduced to unplugging the phone and asking friends and family to text me before ringing so i can plug the phone back in. I have requested all contact be made in writing but all i get is a card asking me to call them. I have no idea what the debt is for. I have requested my CA and am currently awaiting its arrival in the post. I am a stay-at-home mum with no income of my own as my husband covers all the household bills. I do not receive benefit myself, only child benefit and child tax credits which are paid into my husband's account . I don't have a bank account as i have no need for one! Everything in my home is under my husband's name as he usually paid for it by his debit card. I was just wondering how my situation would affect their ability to reclaim this money should it be my debt? They can't enforce bankruptcy as it is below the £750 insolvency threshold, they can't reclaim goods as everything is owned by my Husband and i keep receipts. (Just in case it goes wrong!) They can't do an attachment to earnings as i don't have an income. Also, i'm assuming this debt (if it is mine) would be in my maiden name as i have only been married for a year and haven't made any credit claims in that time. Any advice would be gratefully received and would be good to talk to anyone else dealing with Go Debt.
  7. Hi, I'm also having trouble with Go Debt and my situation is very similar to yours. I thought i had paid them and can't prove it as the account i used was closed in 2007 and i'v moved home 3 times since then. I sent an SAR back in January to the CIT Group and have not heard anything since. I'm not sure where i go from here but it looks like you are in the same boat. I'm considering getting a solicitor to fight them but i'm not sure how to go about doing it and how much it would cost.
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