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  1. He has not changed his bank details, which I keep asking him too but he did give the council tax dept his new address when he first moved out, as they sent bills there in his name. Not sure about credit file, but he does have a credit card still linked to this address. If he has applied for credit elsewhere I don't know but bet he did use this address if so. How can they prove he lives here when they have not even come to the house to check? If they did they would see he patently doesn't live here. I am not in control of his actions or non-actions, as in not changing address. I can only keep asking him which I have a million times. This seems so unfair.. I have got him to write a statement saying he is no longer living here, has not since May and the reasons why he has not changed his address details. I can also get a written statement from the friends he sayed with after he left his Mum & Dad's house, and from the people he now lives with. Would this help?
  2. I recieved a letter from the council asking me to attend an interview under caution as they think I have lied about my partner living with me. He moved out last May as we seperated. I claimed help with council tax & rent as only working part time. This was all fine but now they all of a sudden don't believe me, nearly a year later! My Ex has not had a perment address after having to move out of his parents house last Nov, and currently lives with some friends. He has not changed his address with his bank etc, and even though I keep asking him he won't untill he gets perment address for himself. I am assuming this is the evidence they have. We did change his council tax bill address to his parents at the time though, so they must know this? He does spend every other weekend here to have his time with our child but sleeps in the lounge and mostly I spend that weekend away. He also, if not working, will look after our child when I am working, in the house as he has no-where else to go. Anyway, I know there is not any time limit law on how many nights he can stay. I don't do his laundry or cook for him but the council won't know this unless I tell them or they visit the home. We are 100% not together but what can I do to proove this? What can I do to show he does not live here and has not since last May? I am asking him to write a statement explaining why he has not changed his address and still uses it for correspondence etc and thought maybe to get a statement from my neighbour. Would this help?
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