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  1. Hello all, I'm at the end of my tether here! Although reading this I am probably earlier on my journey down the yellow brick road than some of you. I just need some confirmation that my hunch is correct and my redress is lower than it should be. I feel it is too low, the info on here suggests it could be low and I keep working through the calculations (I have decent excel skills and some financial knowledge), however i cant help but feel that I am missing the 'twilight zone' trick in these calculations somewhere. In a nutshell... MBNA card taken out Nov 2001 15.9% APR. PPI premiums £1,595 (Paid to Sept 2006 when PPI cancelled). MBNA redress was £3,553 (£1,595 PPI + assoc interest £463, + 8% £1,495) The MBNA calculation was built on V20E B041. Is this one of the models that has calculation flaws? The associated interest just feels too low to me and reading the offers others have received they seem so much higher. I need to decide if I will refer to Ombudsman in the next couple of days. Can anyone help Timeline Nov 2010 MBNA SAR Nov 2011 Referral to FOS Jan 2013 Adjudicator not upheld & referred to Ombudsman Sept 2014 Finally Ombudsman upheld Oct 2014 MBNA Offer but calculation low Oct 2014 Banked chq but referred back to FOS for calculation review Dec 2015 Adjudicator finally recommends recalculation based on incorrect 'Minimum' assumptions May 2016 MBNA recalculate an increased offer but still feels too low May 2016 Pending decision to refer to Ombudsman
  2. Thanks to you all for your responses Have sent a copy to Bankfodder but the Barclays questionnaire is the FOS one so I feel comfortable and will duly complete and return Mind at ease!...Thanks again 8)
  3. Hi, can anyone give me some advice I did a SAR request and have subsequently logged a PPI complaint on two Barclays loans on the grounds that I was not informed i could get the PPI elsewhere, I had sufficient employment benefits in my job to cover the repayments and was not satisfied the advisor did a sufficient assessment of my needs. I have received a letter back stating that they are looking at my concerns, but they have enclosed a 'Payment Protection Insurance: Customer Questionnaire' which has been designed by the Financial Ombudsman. They have asked that I complete this and return within 10 working days. Am i obliged to complete this? It asks for details about the sale of the insurance, why i borrowed the money and whether i've missed any payments, my employment status, if I had any means of making the repayments and a section to explain my complaint in detail. I dont trust the banks and feel this could be a trick to discredit me if my answers conflict with any information they hold, the loans were taken out in 2004 and 2002 and my memory is somewhat vague but I was certainly persuaded to take out the insurance without any real assessment of my need for it. Has anyone else received this questionnaire? would be interested in any advice/experience of others Thanks
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