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  1. thanks for that!! thats more than helpful advice. my case isnt until June - but im really nervous! havent been to court, i expect there will be other people with cases there tho. hope i can get out of this.........
  2. Many thanks guys!! are you 100% sure that i would not get 3 points for not sendiong off logbook? its just im sure i have read somewhere that you get 3 points for failing to notify change of keeper? i guess the worse case scenario would be £££? would i be liable for the legal costs if i lost etc? many thanks!
  3. Thanks for that the one and only!! I certainly have sent the forms off...........im only after the out of court settlement because i will lose my licence if they add 3 more points on it if they find me guilty etc...i will also lose my job,i have 9 points anyway..........im not guilty,just nervous because of the date mix up......i would imagine to them it would look a bit guilty......changing the date you say you sold the vehicle etc.... would i be liable for any legal costs when i go to court do you know? thanks for the advice...
  4. No i didnt get any £40 fine debt collectors........ its just a magistrates court,it has been adjourned once, because i have plead not guilty..........im worried about proving that i have sent it off.........i originally gave them a date that is actually 1 month after i sold it (done on a letter that the DVLA wrote to me with)........i got the wrong month down.......im sure i have.....i can prove it by my autotrader ad etc......with the relevant dates on that if that will help....i do sell alot of cars privately.....however i do know that i have sent it....on the date that i deleted the ad........ do you think all this will help in my defence??? i think the fact that i have given them the wrong date will look bad on my part? Do you think there is any chance that they will give me an out of court settlement? will i be liable for the legal costs etc if i lose? also i when ticking plea not guilty i didnt tick the box for them to bring their witness, i believe i can change my mind to do this? should i do this does anyone think?would it help or hinder? just need to know the best way of playing it with the scenario im in above!!! any help im grateful for!
  5. Hi,yes I sent a letter with my not guilty section.....basicly in the letter I stated as you have said above and that I do have a witness to me posting it my partner,who is more than willing to write a statement....I have also contacted Autotrader who have emailed me with the date I advertised the car on and the date it was removed.....might not be that good a defense but hey ho....i will of course in court state the all important interpretations act....i will also state that it is not my legal obligation to chase up the acknowledgement letter etc......as im sure they will say that.....but i will also say that the v5 section of the logbook was sent off via normal post, and that i know for a fact that the acknowledgement letters the dvla send out are sent out via normal post too,so could easily be as lost in the post as the v5 i sent....with no record of either being sent. im extremely nervous,im seriously hoping they will give me an out of court settlement.......but i doubt they will.......i havent heard nothing yet,but the court case isnt til 20th June....i just cant afford to get another 3 points on my licence,as my licence will go and so will my job!! I also didnt request for them to bring their witness,should i have done this?can i do this still?should i? thanks for your input!!!!
  6. Thanks for that!! Yes I will definitely turn up!!! Is there any chance that between times they will offer me an out of court settlement? What im worried about is I have 9 points on my licence,im worried that if i lose they will put 3 points on my licence! in which case I will be banned.....and also lose my licence,as well as my job......which I need a licence for!!! Theres alot riding on this!! Also when the DVLA originally contacted my by post they asked when I got rid of the vehicle....I gave them a date Which I believe was Novemeber.....however it was actually October (a month before) that I got rid of it....I got it wrong....I buy and sell cars alot......however i have no proof whom i sold it too......however i sold the vehicle on Autotrader and I can get some proof from them of when it was advertised and when it was taken off to show that i did sell it in october etc........?????
  7. Thanks for that!! So all I do is just wait to hear from DVLA or something like that? I guess the ball is now in DVLA's court once I tell the court that I will be attending. Thanks for your advice!
  8. First of all I received a court summons by the DVLA to attend my local magistrates court for not notifying them of a change of keeper with a date and time for the court hearing etc.....it asked do i plea guilty or not guilty etc......i put not guilty it was x2 days away from the court hearing and i rung the dvla asking what happens now,they told me the case will be adjourned.....which apparently now it seems true........now the magistrates court themselves have sent me a letter stating that the case has been adjourned and give me a new date and time etc.........im a little lost, i suppose I will tell the court that I will be attending? but shouldnt dvla come back to me with something???? Not sure where I stand here and what I should be doing.I must say that I did write a letter along with the not guilty plea,basicly outlining that i have done everything that was asked of me by law i.e sent the logbook off in good faith, and that i have a witness to prove.who can provide a statement etc..... what should i do now? or what should i expect? any help will be gratefully received!!!!!!! THANK YOU.
  9. Its states that iam required to attend South East Wiltshire Magistrates Court on 4th April at 13:45! It states who the charge is authorised by......etc It states REQUISITION........... what shall I do?? Whats my best option from the options they have given me??? Any help appreciated!
  10. Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me? I have received a Magistrates Court letter from DVLA for not informing them of a change of keeper......under Road Vehicles and Regulations Act 2002.They say they have a witness to this too.I believe they originally sent me out a letter telling me to pay £35 or it will go to court.....which it now appears it will be.... On the form they have sent me (22SM) they have given me 3 options: 1) plead guilty and agree to the amount the prosecutor will ask the court to order me to pay as a further penaulty.I wish the court to deal with this in my absence. 2) plead guilty but challenge the amount that the prosecutor will ask the court to order me to pay.I will therefore attend the court with any necessary evidence or witness to support my claim. 3)mitigating circumstances.I wish the court to know about the offence or my financial position or both. What is my best option??????? Please advise. Thank you for any help......
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