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Everything posted by minnieox

  1. thanks guys/gals , little bit calmer now. just all came as shock. been trying to pay my way outa debt and was doing pretty well i thought. dont want to go down the iva or bankrupcy route or pay debt management company, so been negotiating individually. as i say with some sucess. feel my feet have just been kicked from under me. it was Global that told me a ccj had been issued. it took them a long time for them to say that they were global and had told them who i was, all i knew was that i was talking to a David Sykes. Anyone know a good advice service in oxford ?
  2. My mother recieved a phone call from a David Sykes asking for me. She took the number and passed it on. when I got hold of them it turned out to be Global debt collection, chasing a supposedly old debt, one which a ccj was issued for in 2000. I had no idea of this judgement and had left the address in question in 2006. The debt was for 900 pounnd for a TSB credit card that I have no recollection of. All of the details that they have are correct in terms of address dob etc. It was a time that was incredibly stressful for me as my partner was dying and I was severly depressed and becoming ill myself, indeed a year later I was recieving chemo. I am begining to question whether the debt is one that I owe as I couldnt even remember the address they quoted at me. i am at a loss and going crazy with worry, I really do not have a clue what to do, I am living on dissability benefits and am alreading repaying a number of debts that i built up when i was employed. The final amount is likely to be much more than 900, that is without compound interest or Globals fees. They didnt sound as if they would be helpfull, couldnt supply a signed agreement for me to check signature and kept mentioning courts police and baliffs. Today is the first I have heard of this debt !! Help please:sad:
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