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  1. Unbelieveable! As Victor Meldrew would say. I bought my house around 10 years ago and probably much like yourself, found that there were several light fitting in various rooms. After some time the bulbs started to blow. I contacted the previous owner but they didn't want to know, neither did the builder. So much for the NHBC 10 year gaurantee! Does this make this gaurantee worthless? I had a similar experience with my car, I started to notice that the tyres were begining to wear. I contacted the dealer who sold me the car, and the manufacturer, but they assured me that this was a consumable and they did not cover this item under their warranty. Can you believe that? Dealing with these people was like talking to a brick wall, they wouldn't just give me what I wanted. So in short I see what you are saying. Have you contacted Philips to complain or Thomas Edison? I believe he invented the light bulb and therefore should recompense you for you lack of illumination.
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