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  1. HI I have a default on my file for £320 - this was as a disoute with the bank and the charges they were applying. Paid £320 in full once default was issued within 2 months of it being issued.( had to wait for payday) Then referred case to bank who refused and then onto FOS, and the bank have now agreed to the fact their charging process was not clear and have offered £220 in compensation - which FOS are reccomending - quite happy with cash offer although would have been nice to get it all Main thing is can i now force bank to remove default notice as it was issued for £320 of which they have now 'sort of admitted ' only £100 valid - had they come to me at that time with a definitive £100 final settlement I would have paid and the whole issue would never have happened The default notice is having a major impact on being able to get a mortgage How do i stand on this ?
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