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Everything posted by stevenpc

  1. all items i sent wher addressed in accordance with the details provider wrote down. ie for the attension of ------- ----- not to be opened and the address given so i fail to see or accept that she has not received or seen the contents. The contents also included a letter clearly stating the contents of each package ( 3 packages in total ) It also made clear as to how they should be returned. I can also quote what she said " i will put all the details on a spread sheet ) I tried to get legal advice at the time from several sources and received the same advice from all, that was we cant advice untill you receive something in writting. A post on one forum where i asked about the return of my statements and a reply from someone who said they worked for dwp stated statements are copied and originals returned asap. I would also like to add i have never had £10000 and the statements sent to them from 6 banks that i have banked with during years 2010 and 2017 will show that.
  2. according to my mp at the time he said they should return them .Regarding sweating i am not sweating but dont want my paper statements to turn up on a council tip for anyone to find. Its not so easy as i discovered to get bank stements for bank accounts that have been closed for a number of years. I even have a letter provided by one bank saying it was no longer possible even with a court order to get them. Yes turned out to be incorrect and after making lots of phone calls was able to get them but required an extension of time. If what you say is correct they never return anything then they must have a lot of tower blocks for storage. If its correct that they scan them to there computers then why would they not return the originals. If they want to ask any questions relating to any transactions on any of the statements dating from 2010 i would need to cross check statements from several bank accounts for the period in question. This is the reason for wanting there return. at the time this all happened i had come across a post from someone saying their statements where returned 12 months after they where sent. stated that the address they where returned to was incorrect and that they received correspondence intended for someone else.
  3. thanks for the reply it was my impression that when they receive statements they are suposed to copy them and return the originals asap. regarding any possible legal action i am if it comes to it willing to follow through but it would not be against dwp it would be against a named person. The statements where sent and addressed to a named person with instructions that they where to be returned to me. The mp i spoke to at the time did say that they are suposed to return statements. Another thing i am annoyed about is to date the interviewer has never responded to any letters sent to her. None of my benefits to date have stopped. It was an assistant to my MP who phoned me to tell me i had an extension of 2 weeks to supply the statements i expected a comfirmation letter from the interviewer informing me that i had an extension but never received one. Legal action would be a last resort and expensive but at the end of the day the statements are my property and where sent on the clear understanding that they where to be returned to me. Also if at the next interview they raise any queries regarding anything in those statements i do not have them to refer too. I was told at the original interview that she would enter all the details of the statement on a spread sheet so as far as im concerned they have no need to keep the statements and she has had 10 months to copy them and return the originals. They give minimal notice to attend an interview and say to phone if you cannot attend and depending on reason they might give an alternative date. I want everything in writing to them and from them its to easy for them to deny any knowledge of a phone call. When i sent the sar i added i wanted details of phone calls and copies of any recorded calls i never received any. maybe they will have the statements at the interview on the 5th to return to me maybe they will not. If i dont get them back i will see if i can get a solicitor to apply for a court order to get them back if i do get a court order in my favour i will claim all costs from them. I fully expected them to be returned and intended and had contacted an accountant to go through them for me. I had a lot of worry and not an easy time getting those statements and not a lot of time to do so. To me thats 7 years of my life and i want it back.
  4. Update received a letter yesterday asking me to attend another compliance interview on 5th december with latest bank statements. This is the first correspondance ive had from them since sending everything they insisted on. When i sent them the stuff i attached a letter instructing them to return my bank statements they haven't done so. I will have my latest statements for this appointment however as they haven't returned the statements that they already have i intend giving them a letter stating if all statements sent to them are not returned to me within 7 days i will without further notice to them take whatever action is available to me in order to have them returned. Also any costs to me for taking any action legal or otherwise will be claimed from the interviewer that they where sent to and i hold responsible for there return to me as instructed. I think i read somewhere that i can refuse to allow them to copy the statements that i will be taking with me and not allow them to keep them and that i can allow them to make notes only. I think it was in some interview guide lines but its been so long ago cant remember where. Can someone please confirm if i am correct in doing this. They also haven't given much notice so doubt i will be able to get someone from cab to come with me. They pick their time last sunday i was taken to hospital paramedics and all that was discharged on thursday and also waiting for biopsy results not going to worry about it but ready for a fight.
  5. ive not switched yet as i was waiting for the warm home payment.I will check the comparison sites and see if theres any better deals.The price difference that i was given when ebico contacted me if switching to robin hood was only a couple of £ as im a low user so at the time decided to leave it.Ebico also advised waiting until received the warm home discount.That came through about 4 weeks ago. I also dont want to have to shop around again in november when robinhood price may go up. I would sooner get a 12 month fix.I also have phone and bb with sse i have to say the basic bb for me from sse has been far better and more stable than i ever got from virgin and talktalk. il have to check when that deal finishes. Make a note of your readings now and see how it pans out when you get your final bills.
  6. cant you login to your sse account and enter your readings
  7. i did receive a letter some time ago from ebico with a form to return to enable the switch but as im waiting for the warm home discount that may not be received till may i didnt return the form its worth concidering that if you are also eligable for the discount
  8. im getting more angry and short tempered ive just been to the jobcentre to hand in the S.A.R addressed as stated on the dwp website. I asked for a receipt the person asked what it was and could he open it as he needed to know what was in it. I said it is a legal document and could only be opened by the person it is addressed to and he said he needed to know who it was for i pointed to the name and address on the envelope and said it was for that person and as the security approached he said he needed to open it i said it is completed and addressed as instructed on the DWP website if you do you will be in breach of the data protection act which is law. I said while security was at the ready i wanted a receipt as proof that it has been handed in he then asked someone ( and it was the person that interviewed me ) and they said it had to be forwarded to london. He wrote a receipt out stamped it and handed it to me on looking at it i saw it wasnt dated and asked him to date it he said you want me to date it i said yes as it is a legal requirement for it to be responded to within 40 days he reluctantly dated it. i should have also added the receipt just says an envelope am i getting paranoid ! they never asked to see what was inside the other letters or packages b4 giving a receipt.
  9. I had an apointment at my doctors on wednesday morning and was taken bad when their doc sent for paramedics got out of hospital thursday when i got home i just put everything that had arrived including stuff that came that day into 3 packages and passed it into the jobcentre not sure if everything has been sent but thats it as far as im concerned if they want anything else or if not complete they can get it themselves. I will do a sar request for the dwp over the weekend and hand that in monday.
  10. yes they said 3 accounts all active at the same time 2 lots of interest total 85 i couldnt remember the 3rd account but as i said in other posts i had one current account for the whole period that had a linked savings accout for 12 months that was one lot of interest closed funds put in current account the other account was opened 3 months later and closed after 3 months i had forgotten about that one that paid next to nothing that was closed in the october cash in 2 current account. I paid for a car in november and collected the car december 1st. That took most of what i had leaving me with reserves. I knew then that i didnt have 10000. i started saving again and closed that current account 12 months after that. When that account was closed is the other interest amount that they quoted. Im no longer upset just so angry if they had me in again i think they will end up getting the polce or the paramdics. I want them to put something in writing. the total interest payments they refer to are for a 2 year period ill swing for them.
  11. when i sent the letter on the 3rd i also asked them to advice me as to what interest rate do they use for their calculations they todate havent replied if it wasnt for the MP contacting them i wouldnt have known i had untill the 20th. I believe the MP phoned them. Im unwilling to phone them as i want details in writing. Its also looking like i may not receive all the statements untill pos wednesday i know there are 3 packages in total 1 received today 2 more to follow and i dont know how long it takes for dwp to get them from when i hand them into the job centre the 20th is next monday. All she said at the interview was they believed the 3 accounts in lloyds where all active and had funds in them at the same time and because of the 2 interest payments received they think i might have had over 10000. Being honest i lost my rag and no matter how much i insisted they were wrong she insisted that i had to prove it. Also at the time i wasnt aware that you could get bank statements without having to pay 20-25 per statement when i said i would have to pay that she just said well youll have to. Im really angry over all this.
  12. total £85 and thats the combined figure that they said
  13. received some stuff today more to follow the interest payments cover the periods October 2014 to October 2015 and october 2015 to october 2016 and the interest rate was just under 5% still not received a reply to the letter i sent on 3rd.
  14. received phone call yesterday from my local mp's office saying they had contacted dwp and i have an extension to 20th March. Im now waiting for a letter from dwp confirming this.
  15. i did see my MP on friday i quote him ( what they are doing is legal however morally wrong ) he is also writing to ask for an extension. Im not sure on making a complaint at this stage as i have nothing in writting from them i have been told that it was verbal and stands. Im thinking about perhaps doing the following when i get a reply regarding extra time. Writing back and asking for an undertaking that all documents ( statements ) will be returned to me and maybe give them a deadline to return them. Also stating that they do not have my concent to use any of my documents for training purposes ( i have read they sometimes do this ) Im not sure how i stand if i was to write the above letter. I would very much like to tell them to do one but if i do that they will stop my pension credit and the estimate as to what i would have to pay towards my rent and council tax estimate given by age concern would mean double of what i pay now. That would mean i wouldnt be able to pay my cc off before my 0% interest free period runs out. Its hard to express how this is affecting me i know in the end it will be proved ive never in my life had over 10000 ive scraped and saved not had a drink for over 5 years because of medication but last couple of nights ive been thinking it
  16. a letter ive sent today via job centre to dwp also got a receipt and included a letter from the bank Please find enclosed a letter from Lloyds bank confirming that the documents you require have been ordered. As they may not be received in time to meet the deadline you have set I ask that you extend the deadline in order for me to receive all the documents and forward them to you. I also request that you advice me as to what interest rates DWP use to make your calculations. the letter from lloyds states it could take up to 10 days to be received. LLoyds also told me when i phoned that it will be in 3 packages.Think ill get a box to put it all in.
  17. i dont have a scanner anyone recommend an inexpensive one??
  18. what happens when they receive all these statements will they copy them and return the ones i send to them as there will be far to many for me to have photocopied.
  19. thats the one daveydavey and i had the 12 months saver with it and when the saver with it finished that cash went into the current account thats why i would like to kno what rate of interest dwp use when calculating i paid the max into the savings one for the full 12 months i have the details of that and the other savings account open for 3 months about .got .43 interest on that i cant remember the interest rate on the 12 months saver but the interest received was one of the ones they quoted the club one ballance did fluctuate but the interest i got from that account was the other payment they mentioned . the only time it would have stayed at max interest would have been from july to december 1st as thats when i bought the car I did tell them that i bought a car out of my savings and because i didnt have a great deal left and the interest i would have got from the club account i transfered the account to tsb.
  20. not sure im with you kayleigh the lloyd account was variable interest as amount in the account went up and down so did the interest rate i spent most of my savings on a car as i need one for shopping and as im getting on a bit wanted one that would last any car ive had in the past has always been 12 or 14 years old when ive changed cars
  21. I have the interest received for the 3 accounts and the closing dates each time the funds from the savings accounts would have been paid into the current account so thinking about it i actualy got interest on the money that was paid in 2 the current account for the savings accounts twice twice if you can follow me i never thought about that untill now so that accounts for why the interst received for the current account was so high both savings accounts was closed 1 in july 2014 = 12 months saver thats one that had the interest amount they mentioned the other savings account closed in november 2014 they everything from them went into the current account that was closed december 2015 thats wher the other interest amount mentioned was from. they never mentioned what year i think the interest rate on the current account was something like 4 or 5% on up to 5000 nothing above that they did ask if i had claimed ppi which i havent thats when i mentioned that i also received a tax refund
  22. lloyds have said they will send me a letter with the details but doubt that would be enough i get £4.79 a week pension credit savings element i have no idea how much i would lose in HB or Council tax if they take that off me i already have to pay the shortfall on both .i feel like they are accusing me of doing something i havent done Yes i can if i can get everything together prove ive never had 10000 at any one time an when its done and over i wont save again ill just start going out eating properly and start smoking again and every time i have enough start taking holidays. Als when i submit everything i can get together ill put a note in with it sayimg how much i spend a week on toilet rolls.
  23. thanks for the reply can i also do this to get info from dwp so i can get details of phone calls to and from them. Would you have any idea how the dwp calculate possible savings from interest received ie the interest rates i was getting varied depending on how much was in the accounts the amounts varied all the time up/down in the current account interest added monthly. One savings account linked was a max monthly deposit interest paid after 12 months then reverted to next to nothing rate so cash was moved to current account. no idea about the other savings account that was closed after 3 months then i would have moved that to current account and used most of my savings to replace my 14 year old car. What i do know i never ever had 10000 in total as i was saving to replace a 14 year old car with something to last untill my 70s i will probable stop driving then . so would be nice to know what rate of interest the dwp use to guess how much cash you have or may have had . .This could drag on for months why dont they just apply to the banks themselves.
  24. i attended a compliance interview 22 february they said hmrc informatiom about 2 interest payments leads them to believe that i could have had over 10000 in 3 accounts that they say where active at the same time when i banked with lloyds i have never had more than one current account and one savings account active at any time i banked with then from 2004 to 2015.They have said i have to provide bank statements from 2010 to present of every bank account i have held and if i dont i will lose my pension savings credit. I do transfer accounts to get the perks the banks offer for swiching so this involves 5 bank accounts.Quote from the interviewer ( you have to prove to dwp that at no time i have had more than 10000 it is not for them to prove that ive had more than 10000 ) I have comfirmation from lloyds that the 3 accounts wher 1 current account with a linked savings account after the intro offer finished for savings account that was closed and i would have put funds in my current account 3 months after that closed i opend another savings account that was closed after 3 months. LLoyds insist that it is not possible with there system to provide me with the statements.so i see no point in even trying and possible having to pay for statements for any other accounts that i have had i gave at the interview the latest statements from the 2 accounts i now have. My question is can they do what they say if i dont supply what they are asking for( and they decide i have had over payments without proof ) and say i have to repay money and i appeal against there decision what would happen could they deduct money from my state pension i do not have any other pension i receive lo rate dla and have less than 2 thousand in my bank accounts and have ccs to pay off loans with them i already contribute to my rent and council tax to make the diference up from HB aand Council tax benefit im at my witts end i did tell them at the interview that since 2010 i have had letters from dwp saying they will phone and to have bank details etc for them they asked when i answerd i dont know look on your computer you should have all details of dates etc and have details about the small lump sum payment i received from a pension when i contacted dwp and informed them and again gave bank details etc people say dont worry i cant stop worrying im not sleeping properly not eating properly i just want to give up
  25. thanks for the reply i thought as much the silly thing is on the envelope it says "to be opened by the addressee only" and on the letter they say " if no responce is received to this letter,within 10 days of issue,we believe it is not unreasonable to assume that you are the individual we wish to contact and therefore you should be aware that we will contact you again regarding this matter"so if you dont open it and couldnt be bothered returning it to sender they assume a lot. Its reminds me of when i put on a letter that the postman handed me RTS and handed it back to him he asked what RTS meant.
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