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  1. Received it when I asked where I should direct a CCA request - not done a formal request. Do you think it's even worth me doing a formal request now? I actually made them an offer of around 30% which was rejected. Will have a read around. Thanks both for replying - really helps!
  2. Only being chased for one at the moment DX - the Abbey one (being chased by Arrow via Fenton Cooper ) - do you think the credit agreement posted in #19 looks enforceable? Thanks.
  3. Underneath the part where it says "sign here only if you want to be legally bound" is a date of signature section - this has a date that has been entered incorrectly.
  4. Also, just noticed that the date of signature is impossible (would of been my mistake at the time) - could this affect anything?
  5. Thanks dx100uk didn't even realise!
  6. Hi all - I have received the following and am wondering if it is enforceable - any help would be appreciated!
  7. So if I don't receive the claim forms (guessing this is summons?) I can get the judgement overturned and either negotiate with them or go to court again? Is that in spite of the fact I haven't told them my new address?
  8. Thanks for replying. I'd consider keeping my head down, just don't want them to take me to court/get a judgement against me in my absence. Don't ever want credit again so not bothered about markers.
  9. Thanks replying DX, my debts are showing as being defaulted between March and May 2009 on my credit reports so will wait for some to be stat barred but probably not an option for the AA loan. Here's what I have - changed some figures / dates etc for anonymity... AA loan Current Balance: 21k Notes: No PPI. They have a CCA. Was being chased by Blair, Oliver and Scott - the pressure/tactics they used basically meant I put my head in the sand until now. Backfired on them really! I was temporarily in an IVA and they were prepared to accept 14k over 5 years. This failed and I have not been in touch with them for approx 2.5 years. They have my old address. Arrow (formerly Abbey) Current Balance: 7K Notes: No PPI. Requested CCA from Abbey who sent me back something that didn't meet the set terms. Sold to Arrow who have my address and phone and are chasing via Fenton Cooper and Rockwell. Have not replied to letters or confirmed address on phone. Had a conversation with someone from FC where even though I didn't confirm details we did discuss (no misconduct on his side, all vagaries) and he said I needed to send them my position in writing. Have sent them an e-mail stating Abbey had no CCA and it was in dispute and shouldn't have been sold on. Will be waiting for a response from them and after a while CCA request. Halifax Current Account Current Balance: 6K Notes: No PPI. Approx £800 in charges between March 2008 and June 2009 (they were still adding charges 4 months into my IVA...). Not been in touch with them in approx 2.5 years - they have my old address. Halifax Credit Card Current Balance: 7k (counting as zero for the time being) Notes: PPI on this account, was legit mis sold. A lot of penalty charges when I was in distress. Sent a CCA request, they cashed the postal order (£1 came off my balance ) and never replied. Not been in touch with them in approx 2.5 years - they have my old address. Does not show on my Noddle Credit report and is marked as satisfied on my experian. Don't think the PPI and charges would cover the outstanding balance but will go after that, as well as the none compliance to the CCA request if it rears its head... To be honest, I would love to focus on getting rid of the AA loan if at all possible, I can't clear it all (not by a long stretch) but If they took me to court tomorrow (or more likely got a verdict in my absence seeing as they don't have my address) I would have to go bankrupt. They have the CCA, there is no PPI so they have me bang to rights. The only leverage I have is the fact they have received nothing in a long while from me and if they tried to enforce would get only a small percentage back based on Bankruptcy / a CCJ.
  10. Is it by last payment or from the default date as my credit report shows the default as May 2009 but April 2009 shows as "BB" -" payment was up to 4 months late"? Thanks for help on this DX.
  11. Default date is 2009 but don't think they have received a payment from me since December 2008. They have my old address (I moved just over a year ago) so I have no clue what the current position is - head big time in the sand.
  12. OK thanks for the response - part of me wishes they would just sell it on as I'm led to believe a 3rd party would be more likely to accept an offer. I might send the offer through anyway as even though it is only approx 20% they haven't had (or heard) anything from me in so long. Again, as much as I don't want to kick the hornets nest I know it's out of order moving without providing my new address - so me making contact will also fix that.
  13. Hi DX - thanks for replying. All debts show on my credit report. Potentially some PPI to be claimed back on one of them. One with an iffy CCA. None close to being statutory barred. Will be looking at sorting those out in due course one way or the other but in this thread I was just hoping to get an idea of if it is worth it / would I be kicking a hornets nest with a 20% offer out of nowhere on the AA loan? Has anyone had an experience of dealing with them? My thought process is that if I can get rid of the big one (the AA loan) I can start to consider paying down the others where applicable. I'm not concerned about my credit score as I don't ever want credit again (outside of a mortgage in maybe 20 years time!).
  14. I'm no expert on this but it might be worth considering how much you want against what he has already paid (i.e. the extra months rent) and then thinking about how much effort you want to put into chasing it. As awful as that experience sounds (the guy clearly has mental issues), it might be worth making a clean a break as possible from him. Edit: Also, might be worth telling his new landlord about your experience - don't think it's fair for people to go through that.
  15. Hi there was wondering if anyone could offer any advice. I currently have a loan with AA with around 20k outstanding on it. This represents approximately half of my debt . There have been no payments made to this account in approximately 2 years - no PPI on the account and they have a CCA. I have since moved address and haven't been in touch with them in the same amount of time. I don't want to wake up with a CCJ one day and am aware I have had my head in the sand. I can raise around 4k and am wondering if it is worth trying a F&F - is there any way on earth they will accept such a small amount or should I consider bankruptcy? My feeling is that if I can get rid of this big debt I can start to open communications with the smaller ones in an effort to make token payments where applicable / challenge for CCA's.
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