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  1. Final Update Netbook was returned to me repaired last Wednesday 27th April. In total it had been gone over 9 weeks but after so long I am just pleased to have it back working.
  2. Would anyone believe that 8 weeks on I am still without my Netbook. I am told that parts have been ordered but no delivery date is available. I have spoken to Asus in Holland and they have admitted that is is an unreasonable amout of time to have been kept waiting as have the agents for the manufacturers. My most recent letter from MD Hugh Harvey which was received yesterday states and I quote "that should the duration become most unreasonable I expect my office to review the situation on your behalf." Surely 8 weeks is most unreasonable. I have asked Mr Harvey to extend my guarantee and care plan by the amout of time my Netbook has been away but he has chosen to to completely ignore this point in his letter. Watch this space!
  3. Thanks for your response Conniff, I have still not seen any proof of the spillage but I have now had enough of all this so I will have to wait for a repair without anyone being able to tell me how much longer I will be without my Netbook. Such appalling customer service and a horrible company to deal with especially in view of the MD admitting that problems have been caused by Comets mistake right at the start of all this. I now give up and would never advise anyone to shop at Comet!!!!
  4. At Last the long awaited letter from Hugh Havey arrived earlier today and reads as follows I was concerned to learn of the problems that you have reported with your Asus laptop. It is most disappointing to note that we did not follow the correct procedure when you returned your faulty laptop to the store, hence further delay caused in having this matter resolved. Please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience this error has caused. I understand the fault has now been confirmed as mishap due to some form of liquid being present and is now being repaired under the terms and conditions of the product plan that you purchased at the same time. Although I again apologise for the error initially made, I am unable to agree to your request for a refund and am confident that the repair will be completed under the cover of your product plan within a reasonable amount of time. I will ensure my office continue to monitor the situation to its conclusion. In closing, please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused. signed Hugh Harvey Managing Director. I have just been on to the agents of the manufactures and have been told that they requested payment from Comet for the repair on the 14th March and have heard nothing from them they also informed me that as they don't keep any parts in stock, anything needed for the repair will have to be ordered from abroad and in their words it will take weeks to get them. I feel I should refuse the repair but I am at a loss to know what to do for the best.. My netbook has now been gone since 20th February and no end is yet in sight. Would be grateful for any advice as to what to do next.
  5. Latest update. All the information is now with Mr Harvey and I have to wait for a written reply from him. They can't tell me how long this is likely to take as in their words he is a very busy man and I have been told his decision is final! Yet again it is me ringing them to find out what is going on. Nearly 4 weeks now without my netbook. How can it possibly take this long?
  6. Well the way I see it is they have my property and I think this should have been sorted out by now. The staff at Comet don't contact me with any updates about my complaint it is always up to me to ring them to find out what is happening. Where is the customer service in all this?
  7. Latest update. Comet head office are now doing an internal inquiry whatever that means. But the fact remains more than 3 weeks on I am still without my Netbook.
  8. Hi Conniff Thanks for that. I did write to Hugh Harvey Comet MD and the latest news is they are now saying they might repair under warranty but I have said I want a full refund including the money for the warranty as I have just found out that any parts needed will have to be ordered from abroad so it could still be some weeks before I get it back. As the netbook was less that 8 weeks old when I took it for repair and it has now been gone 3 weeks I have had enough of all the hassle this as caused me. What a shame that Comet staff can't be more helpful when you go back to them with a problem. Will keep you updated.
  9. I purchased an Asus 1001PX-BLK102X netbook on the 17th of December 2010 as a Christmas present, taking out an extended warranty (service plan from Comet), and after less than 8 weeks of having the netbook, the touchpad stopped working. I returned it to the store on the 20th February 2011 to be sent off for repair. I didn't receive any updates on the progress of my netbook repair, so I phoned my local Comet store on the 3rd March to check the progress. I was informed that it had been sent back to the manufacturer, and that the fault was a result of a liquid spillage which I was completely unaware of. I have been told that because it was sent to the manufacturer and it was found that the fault was a result of accidental damage, which they are now calling misuse, I have to pay £42 to have it returned to my local comet store unrepaired, so that it can be sent off under the warranty to the service department at Comet, for repair. I refuse to pay the fee because I feel this is so unfair as I had no knowledge that it had a liquid spillage, and had no idea that it needed to be sent off to a different department. As I have the extended warranty which covers accidental damage I would have informed Comet of this fault. I have argued this point strongly with the store, and the best they are able to offer is paying half of the fee (£21) which is still unacceptable to me. They are now refusing to return my netbook, and claiming that the spillage is the result of misuse. I have taken this complaint up with my local store and head office and have got nowhere, so please advise me what I can do to get my netbook back without paying the fee which I feel is totally unacacceptable. I feel that this is very poor customer service. Sadly on the same day I purchased a second netbook, and now worry about what to do if a fault occured on this. Could someone please advise me what to do on getting my netbook back Thanks
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