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Everything posted by AbiB

  1. Hi Guys My situation with Quick Quid is a little different. I have used them a number of times in the past and have never had any issues with them until now. I took a loan out with them for the small sum of £50 just before Christmas - I took it out on the 2 month repayment option and expected the interest to be taken on my next pay day. I recieved a call from them a couple of days after my pay day demanding payment - I said it should come out automatically and that none of my details had changed. I confirmed all my debiot card details with them over the phone, they attempted to take the mey again and it was declined. I said I'd speak with my bank and call them back. I went into my bank as I was close by and they looked in to my account, I had just been paid and had more than enough funds for the payment to come out, they also checked my debit card and there were no issues. I called QQ back and explained this - the man I spoke to was very rude to me and said I would be charged a default fee of £12 (considering the loan is only £50 I found this ridiculous) I asked them to try my card again and again it was declined. The man told me to 'get proof' my card worked - was very rude, I'd also just been to buy my lunch and knew my card was working. I called back again the next day after recieving more missed calls and an email about the default fee from them - I got a nicer lady this time who said if I could email a copy of my bank statement showing my balance and my wages going in then no fee would be charged. I did this and recieved an email back saying that they couldn't open the documnet - it was PDF but I also copied it in to the body of the email!! Totally ridiculous - I contacted them several times over the next week and finally spoke to someone that could miraculously open the doc but said they couldn't dismiss the default fee and that collection proceedings would continue until I paid! I told them I was more than happy to pay off my loan and the interest as it's waht I owed but that I refused to pay a default fee becase their system didn't accept my card. I told them they could take the loan and interes from my bank account rather than my card but when they quoted the amount tey were going to take it was including the deefault fee. I told then they were under no circumstances to take any money out until this was resolved. I spoke with my bank again who told me that they have repeatedly being trying to take money from my debit card - without my authorisation!! I can't block them without blocking my whole card but luckily it seems their system doesn't accept my card anyway. I really don;t know where to go with this - I'm half tempted to just pay the default fee but I'm seriously loathed too as it's not money I owe and it's not like I'm refusing to pay what I ACTUALLY owe. I have used them in the past and have always paid back on time and with no issues with my card - I'm at the end of my tether - can anyone advise?
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