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Everything posted by Fishpie

  1. Update my friend has received a signed Agreement, doesn't state any particular bank etc, the ref number has been hand written by them, he has been sent approx 5 ref numbers but the one they have entered relates to a different bank to which their invoice relates, we are going to the bank to see if they have any paper work in relation to this claim, he has been sent numerous letters from the CMC requesting that he gives them full authority to handle all his ppi claims and that all other CMC's authority be removed, which have not been signed, does anyone know what the position is when more than one CMC has been used, ? are you supposed to pay each one a fee even if they did not go any further than contact the bank fir an I tail enquiry thanks
  2. Thank you for the information,, will give my friend a letter to send to request a copy iof any agreement, will have to wait and see what happens. Thank you to everyone fir or all your input
  3. Thank you for all your information , it's all a bit odd as he said the bank telephoned to say three companies asked for the ppi information and asked which one he was going to use, which he told me he replied none of them, have told him to request this information from the bank, don't know if this would shed any light on his situation, but will get him to send the letter to see if any authority has been given if so he will have to pay the fee
  4. Will do many thanks hopefully stop my friend from being bombarded via letter & phone
  5. Thank you will contact them tomorrow, I'll update post when I get there response
  6. very interesting thanks, my friend as received an invoice showing there fees, and now a letter saying court proceedings Ive attached copies Harrington invoice letter.pdf Harrington icourt.pdf
  7. a friend of mine is being bombarded by a claims management company, he has had repeated requests to sign a form giving them power to act for all/any ppi claims he may have, secondly he has been sent a bill for a ppi he settled direct with a bank and cannot recall signing anything to authorise the CMC to act for him. I spoke to them on the phone for him and told them that unless a copy of the contract showing he had agreed to them to act for him was received he would not respond to any further communications. he is now being threatened to be taken to court which is upsetting him as he is a pensioner, my question is can anyone point me to what letter would be best to sent to the CMC to request the copy of any agreement they may hold many thanks
  8. Will repost it tomorrow, just out of hospital so head not quite in gear
  9. Hello Just received this a couple of days ago, I did send them a letter saying it was my final response, look like they are ignoring the letter that was sent recorded delivery, any advice welcome, assuming the do go down the court route I would get my chance to put my comments forward with letters from this company my reply and previous credit agency from same claimant? etc thanks
  10. Sorry DX but do I get a notification when you PM ? Am a novice with the PM
  11. Yes can do dx, will not be able send it over to you until pm tomorrow
  12. Well I have received yet another letter from NCS saying how disappointed despite there best efforts to try and resolve this situation etc, that you are failing to contact ourselves, And that there client is now prepared to take legal action, etc sent from there litigation and enforcement dept. Even though I sent a letter recorded delivery signed for, which was signed for but I think it's a 'made up' signature so they can make out it wasn't anyone working in there company. So will not be replying.
  13. Thank you for replies, I have not had any further contact from Final demand & co since the letter I sent (which is quite a while now Feb 2013) but at present I am just feeling a little stressed out that this latest debt collection will send someone to the door, my health problem is not helping me focus, I will forward the second scan onto the FCA if you think they would be interested to see Final Demands tactics. at present I am about to post the draft of my letter as in posted up yesterday to the latest debt collection agency, I will be off to post it unless anyone thinks it needs any adjustments within the next couple of hours
  14. Sorry to ask but Could you let me know if the draft for dispute I have attached looks Ok got a health problem with my head giving me less than better vision at present, many thanks
  15. thank you for the reply, I will include 'final response' as suggested
  16. Thanks so much for looking, the only letter that was sent was the one drafted by Brigadier to the last debt collector so I am hoping its statute barred, I don't know if you looked at the letter template that I could possibly use? I do know we have had no formal statement of accounts showing transactions etc I have only one invoice from late 2009 which I think is the last written request, but no formal statment saying you owe this much and how interest as been added from the person trying to obtain money, My only other question if you don't think I should send this letter to the debt collector, should I send the letter to the the person trying to extract money stating its statute barred and putting it in his court to provide proof that it isn't (on his past history wouldn't put it past him to make letters up) or would I be stirring up a hornets nest, if you think this is not a good idea, I will send a letter of dispute to the debt collector for peace of mind thank you once again
  17. NATIONAL COLLECTION SERVICES, sorry to ask but has anyone had any dealings with these people, they do have a web site, link is http://national-collection-services.co.uk/index.php also could anyone advise me if this debt would be classed as statute barred, apart from two doorstep visits and the occasional verbal requests if my OH happens to see him, ( from the person who keeps trying to extract money from my OH,) we only sent the letter to the last debt collector that states the debt is neither acknowledged or denied, we have have no other contact I believe the last cash payment was in I think 2009 or 2010 I found a letter to possibly send to this latest debt collector, attached (I haven't sent anything yet so would appreciate if some one could give me there view on whether I should ignore them or send a formal letter to them, I am starting to feel I don't want to answer my door when anyone knocks thank you
  18. Hi after sending the above letter I did not get any other correspondance, I have now received a letter from national collection services, based in newcastle, saying the matter has been referred to them for collection etc, should I just ignore it or send them a similar letter as so kindly worded by brigade for the last collection agency? Apologies if I should have started another thread. I was wondering if anyone has had any personal experience if this latest debt collector Thank you
  19. Thank for the replies, I did receive a code notification, but no explaination,, I am under the tax threshold, I was paid a refund of taxes. on my self assessment (PPI) declaration, for last year's return, as far as I know alls well, I thought it might be due to no earnings as coding came from PAYE not sel assessment
  20. I am in receipt of occupation pension and have been for some time, Ihave received some jsa this year, and still registered as self employed, I filed my sel assessment fot last year, but no earnings and same, for this current tax year I will still be below the personal allowance threshold when you total occ/pen & jsa and my pension is now having basic rate tax deducted, In the past I have had this code with no problems can any one shed any light on why this is happening..? Thanks
  21. Just an update, has we are not in receipt of any benefit partner should not have been called in, could change when universal credit arrives but hopefully will be employed before that happens. Hope this may help someone else
  22. Thamk you Margaret we dont qualify for any jobseekers income based due to pension so not sure if partner will still be expected to seek employment just so I can get a NI award more concerned about HB which as already been answered
  23. I am 58 partners is 60 has this some relevance to claimiing
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