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  1. As I said, the full details are not in front of me so I can't comment on the efficacy, or otherwise, of any of it. Being the eternal cynical so and so that I am I will not promote anything I wouldn't take up myself. If it is a bag 'o****e I will say so.
  2. It determines the quantum, that is critical. It is not a high street lender, that might seem obvious.
  3. The writing is on the wall for these firms, if anybody needs assistance I have a network of people who are well versed in mortgages and secured lending. My concern is that individuals are being picked off because they may panic, thankfully many have found that there is hope with CAG but there are so many in trouble that they might be better off pooling their cases in a 'class action', this involves a legal firm. Unfortunately most of us don't have much faith in lawyers, but there are one or two who know what they are doing. One has a computer software package that can work out your case right back to 2001 to see whether you have a claim against the lender, more news came last week which should help those who have either been mis-sold a mortgage or loan, or been the victims of fraud and find themselves unable to purchase a new home because of their shattered credit file, I have been told there is a lender willing to accept a file signed off by a lawyer who confirms that the victim has a sound case against his mortgage company for mis selling. I don't have the full details yet but it sounds promising, anything does in these circumstances. There are hundreds of thousands of people who were sold unsuitable mortgages and secured loans, the regulators seem to be sitting on their thumbs.
  4. Although the FSA has been regulating mortgages from the end of 2004 the lender may be liable for any acts or omissions prior to that. So, it depends on the circumstances.
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