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  1. Hi Jamberson, I received the rejection on 3rd March and it was dated 28th February. I sent the N244 to the TEC yesterday as it said that I had 14 days to appeal so I have made sure that I do not miss the deadling by even the day incase they tell me the time started on 28th February so I am still within it. They are aware of the rejection notice and told me clearly that even during the appeal process, they do not cease bailiff activity. Should i fight with the council on this matter or wait till a baliff arrives as no one has ever come till date. Alternatively, is it worth talking the TEC about this? Sorry about so many questions but all this is very new to me and I am just trying to find what would be the best thing for me to do.
  2. Just to add, that when I spoke to them the woman at the harrow council and explained everything, the woman asked me of why I had not contact them before and I told her that I sent her the appeal letter and she said that if they have not received its tough and I should have called to check up. I told her that I had called once and was asked to wait for a written response as that is the only way things are dealt with them. When I didnt hear anything, I had assumed that the case was closed but I know now how wrong I was to assume that this happens. I was trying to explain to the woman that the same way that they were relying on the post to get to me, I was equally relying on the post I sent to them to get to them but she just brushed it off and told me pretty much that hard luck. Isn't the law supposed to be fair or are the council above the law and their word is stronger than an individual's ? Is it wise to contact the bailiff as so far I have not heard anything from them apart from the postal redirect letter ? The warrant is also issued for my old address so can i expect for them to still turn up anyday?
  3. Hi Tomtubby, Is it best to write to Harrow Council as the woman who answered the phone seemed very uncooperative and kept telling me that sort it out with the bailiffs. Are they allowed to misinform people like this being a local authority? It's only because of helpful people like yourself, I am able to continue with this case. Any suggestions and what I should do would be really helpful.
  4. Hi TomTubby, I forgot to mention that Harrow Council had infact given a reason and said that "No notification was received from the Parking and Traffic Appeals Service."
  5. Hi Tomtubby, Thank you for your response. I have already send the N244 form yesterday citing that I had not received the paperwork and I am atleast a little relieved to see that I managed to get the form filled in correctly. I have just spoken to Harrow Council and they have informed me that Bailiff action can continue even while the N244 is filed. Is that correct as I thought that I would have a chance atleast to stand infront of a judge and put forward my explanation before I am forced to pay out. I honestly did not receive any further documentations for nearly 8 months so I will really feel hard done by if I am forced to pay. Also the only notice i have received from the Bailiff is for costs of £ 600+ which I think is crazy considering that I have never had a visit from them or even a letter previously. The warrant is issued at my old address and surely if they have ever visited than they should have know that I dont live there anymore and also I have a redirect in place so any letters sent from them should have got to me. Your help is much appreciated. Seeing the system the way it is, I feel with hindsight that it is not worth appealing a penalty ticket as initially all I had asked them for was to see the CCTV images of the offence and they seemed to have sent me a standard rejection letter claiming that people should have seen the no right turn sign as they were probably assuming most people argue whereas I had never raised that issue itself in my appeal.
  6. In Section 3 and Section 4, do I need to quote a legal order or can i say the following: I wish to have the decision of the court officer at the Traffic Enforcement Centre on 28th February 2011 to refuse my out of time statutory declaration reviewed. I did not receive any response or any further notices once I had made my representations.
  7. I am not sure if I am the claimant or the defendant and who should be served this application (Section 9) and what should i use a witness statement or a statement of case or written evidence? Thanks in advance for your help
  8. I appealed after receiving a PCN and received a rejection to my appeal. I received a Rejection to my Appeal and received a Notice to Owner when I asked to be referred to PATAS. I then never heard anything or never received a Charge Certificate or anything else. I had done this in March 2010. As I never heard anything else, I had thought that the council had cancelled the PCN but now with hindsight i should have chased them when i didnt hear anything. I moved address in October 2010 and the Warrant of Execution states the start date of it from December 2010 but I only received a copy of the warrant with Bailiff letters in January 2011.
  9. Hi Jamberson, I am not sure if being hungry is good or bad.... I really need help with section 3. I am basically telling them that I had not received any further documentation to appeal from the council and hence I was filing the witness statement out of time. I had also moved address and the current warrant is for my old address. Do you think I stand a chance with the N244 or does my appeal look very weak? Thanks for everything.
  10. Hi, I have read a lot of posts very keenly. I had a PCN from Harrow Council issues in Dec 2009 and had appealed it in Jan 2010 and was rejected. I then asked for the appeal to be sent to TAPAS but received no paperwork on this. I had even called PATAS in Feb 2010 and they had at the time asked me to wait for the forms of Appeal to come to me and nothing else could be done till then. I never received any communication since then and assumed that the council had dropped the case. I then received a Bailiff letter claiming £ 600+ together with a warrant. I had also moved houses in Oct 2010 and had a redirect in place but the only thing I had received was this bailiff letter and warrant which was valid from Dec 2010. I have since filed PE2 and PE3 forms which I just received a rejection on and I need to now file a N244 to go before a judge. I wanted to get help on filling this N244 form as I am not sure if I need to discuss about the reasons for appeal or that i had not received any communication even though I had appealed and clearly stated that i intend to take my case to PATAS. Any help would be much appreciated. Kind regards kool
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