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  1. Sorry to bump this thread but this company is still hassling me. My most recent letter reads as follows: Dear Sir Re: Premium Choice - Amount Due £ 239.28 Following our Debt Recovery Officer's recent enquiry on your address, we are informed that you continue to be linked to this property. Therefore as you have not responded, we can only assume that you have no intention of making an effort to clear the sum outstanding, even by instalments. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS ARE NOW BEING DRAWN UP AGAINST YOU We are preparing legal proceedings against you and therefore you have rendered yourself liable for the follwing costs along with Statutory Interest, which will accrue daily. COURT FEE £ 15 SOLICITORS COSTS £ 50 A Court Summons will be served upon you shortly which will result in Bailiffs attending your property and removing goods if a Judgement is secured against you. This could also severely reduce your future opportunities of obtaining credit as the Court Judgement will be marked against you. *****ACT NOW BY CALLING 0844 5679998***** If necessary, a copy of this letter will be retained by us and be used as evidence in Court to show that every effort has been made to avoid proceedings against you. Yours faithfully Legal Department Icon Collections International Ltd I have received 5 letters total from them now (the fourth was actually from the solicitors). How worried should I be? The debt supposedly stems from me cancelling car insurance, but I was rebated a certain amount and assumed any fees should have been taken out of that. Am I too late to send them another letter (I have done my best to ignore it) or should I just bite the bullet and pay. None of these letters were sent via recorded delivery or anything and the debt is substantially larger than what the insurance company initially said I owed.
  2. Could anyone give me an idea of what I should write back, I'm assuming this three day deadline is just scare tactics which has no meaning? Also, is it within my right to demand they do not phone/send someone round and respond only via mail until the courts are involved?
  3. cerberusalert's details for the company are the same as what appeared on the letter.
  4. Hello, its my first time posting here because I've just been sent a fairly threatening letter from the aforementioned debt collection agency. I had initially signed up with premium choice car insurance after using confused.com to help find some cheaper rates. I didn't realise until about 3 weeks into the insurance that I had given some incorrect dates on my claims history, so I called them up with the changes and they told me I wouldn't be coverable by their insurance anymore so we cancelled it. I assumed they would refund me whatever I was owed and keep the costs to cover the admin fee. At this point I had left the country for 4 weeks to visit family and when I get back I have found a few letters from premium choice and the most recent one where a debt that started at £130 (with premium choice) is now £240 with icon collections. The letter is dated yesterday and reads: We have been instructed by Premium Choice to commence formal debt recovery proceedings against you. TAKE NOTICE There will be no further reminders sent to you or any opportunities for you to delay this payment any longer. Should you with to avoid a COURT SUMMONS being served on you. payment must be made in full within the next three working days using the pre-paid envelope enclosed. Alternatively we accept all major debit and credit cards. We are advised you have been previous furnished with full details of our clients claim, however please telephone our offices immediately should this not be the case and we shall endeavour to resolve any query you may have. Please note that our client has consented to legal action and therefore any litigation issued against you may result in your credit rating being adversely affected. Yours faithfully Pre Litigation Department Icon Collections International Ltd That is the entire letter and I could really use some help on how best to deal with this. I don't want them phoning my house but letters don't really bother me. Thanks in advance for any help.
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