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  1. Thanks Mwynci. I thought it was odd that she had no copy of the CCTV. I would have thought that if it supported her case she would have taken a copy. There is a veterinary practice on my street where she works. She lives in the flat above the vet practice. There are always a lot of people coming and going as it is a busy vets. I park further along the street in front of my property. I feel she is just trying it on with me as she can.
  2. I wonder if anyone can advise me on whether there is anything else I can do to defend myself against a false insurance claim. My insurance company are defending my case but it seems to be dragging on and I am feeling very stressed that I am going to be penalised for something I didn't do. Basically a neighbour has alleged that my car scratched the front bumper of her car whilst my car was parking. I have absolutely no knowledge of this and don't believe I am at fault. She claims that she viewed CCTV footage where she works that showed my car 'hit' her car. Initially when she approached me about the incident she claimed it looked like my car had touched her bumper, now in her claim she states it 'hit'. She therefore believes my car was responsible for the scratch. She claims that a work colleague also viewed this footage. When she approached me about this incident I stated I knew nothing of it. I looked at my car and her car. She has 3 minor scratches to the front of her bumper. There was no paint transfer or scratches on my car that supported this claim. There was no paint transfer from another car on her car. Would my car have not shown evidence of a scratch/contact? She put in an insurance claim for this damage. She has not got a copy of the CCTV and claims that this has now been destroyed by the business (it is erased every 28 days). I am not denying that she may have seen a car park in front of hers or hit her car but I do not believe it was my car. I do not know how she has identified it as my car or me as the driver. The CCTV cameras do not record number plates. I am sure this was not me and feel that she is just attempting to try to find someone to blame and a neighbour was an easy target. I am concerned that I hold over 5 years no claims and may lose this. I do not know the time she claims this incident took place. She has told the company the date. I know what I was doing that day as my family were visiting. If I can confirm with witness statements I was not there when she alleges the incident happened would this help my case? Is there anything else I can do? How does witness reports of viewing CCTV footage stand as evidence. I fail to see how this could show a minor scratch being made to her car if it does not record number plates. Do people need training in viewing CCTV? Many thanks
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