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Everything posted by d14mond

  1. All sorted. I requested a call back from a manager. It just so happens it was the same lady I spoke to two years ago when my mum died and remembered how traumatic it was. Even though I am a beneficiary, they have been writing to me for the past two years as that was agreed when I spoke to her. She explained that even though they had received the first half of the bill from me when the second half was late someone had decided to write to one of the addresses on file as they thought I might not pay the rest. Odd that they chose the one they did as one of the executors had already registered herself as named contact for the council tax. They really should have and could have written to her. We discussed that when people are bereaved they have so much going and a lot is confusing it would be helpful if the council was consistent with their admin. She accepted that they could have handled it better and cancelled the court fees. Very happy
  2. I say "random person" because when I asked the council who they wrote to they couldn't tell me. They had an address on file and just wrote to it. It is one of the executors but not the one they have been corresponding with. When I asked which executor they had on file, they gave me all of their details. Surely it would have made sense to write to that person. Furthermore I have been corresponding with them and they have all of my details, I am at a loss as to why they didn't continue to write to me. All the previous bills, and the online account is registered to me. No I'm not an executor I'm a beneficiary along with my brother. We are not legal owners of the house yet. It is empty. Their website says "Apply for exemption on properties that have been: Empty after the death of the owner while probate is obtained or up to six months after probate is granted. The additional six months are available provided the property remains part of the estate and has not been left in its entirety to an individual(s)" I'm not querying the council tax, and like I said it has been pain albeit with great difficulty. My issue is being liable for the cost of a court summons that wasn't addressed to anybody they have on file to an address that they have had no previous correspondence with. My question is can I challenge the amount for the court summons?
  3. Afternoon all, My mum passed away 2 years ago in May 2016, she left a Will and 3 executors in charge of it. Not sure why she didn't have a lot bless her. They started sending bills soon after my mum died despite me telling them the house was empty and we were waiting for probate. Probate was finally granted in October 2017. My brother and I have no intention of selling it. I received a bill of £668 and paid £334 beginning of Jan, I then received a letter to my home which is not in the same city, saying the remaining amount was due by 31 March. I wrote it down and blatantly forgot. My fault. As soon as I remembered I paid it but 2 weeks too late! I set up a DD for 2018/19. In the meantime I get a text from on of they executors saying they have issued a court summons. They have my details on file yet wrote to someone else. The balance of £668 is clear but they want the court summons fee. I'm happy (not happy as such as it's a lot on top of my own bills) to pay the council tax and have done so but why should I pay for a court summons that you sent to an address because as they said "someone in admin must have taken the executive decision to". I don't understand? When the payment was late why not just write and say we are still waiting for the second payment as agreed? instead they went straight to summons and then sent it to a random person who they don't have on file? Can I challenge the court fees?
  4. So frustrating. I have issued a complaint but I don't understand why the service is so poor. I've had the previous Broadband provider for 10 years with not great speeds but it was usable. I can't even read emails with this, nothing loads.
  5. Hi all, Hope someone can help and I will be sure to come back and update once this is resolved! 6th November - I called EE to upgrade my mobile phone on the . Whilst on the call the rep offered Broadband, checked my current speed with Sky, claimed i was only getting 1mb etc and sold me BB at the same time. I obviously jumped at the chance of having up to 14mb speeds. 8th November - I received my mobile phone on the and email confirming BB was on it's way 12th November - another email confirming BB is on it's way and it would go live on the 19th Nov 16th November - received EE Bright box for BB 19th November - Broadband activated The service is diabolical! They kept telling me over the phone that they need 10 days and the the service would be up and down during that time. It's never up, it's pretty unusable. I'm having to connect my mac to my phone to otherwise I websites don't load at all. After serveral tech calls and a weekend of no internet. I asked many times if they don't get this working can I cancel without penalty. I was told yes. I decided to cancel 23rd November - call to cancel. Told I have to pay £122 penalty charge under the Distance Selling rules. I said that I only went live 5 days ago and didn't receive equipment until 12 days later. Is this how the Distance Selling Regs work? From date of call? Is there any way I can stop EE from taking the money from my bank as I think they will try. Any help/advice much appreciated
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