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Everything posted by peigibeag

  1. Do these new laws only apply in England and Wales? There are no bailiffs in Scotland, there are Sheriff Officers.
  2. I had one, and all these letters. I wrote to the supermarket head office. They quashed it.
  3. Does this mean an end to hanging on while they play music and recorded messages at you, claiming to be busy, but all the while racking up their 'cut' from the number?
  4. Due to problems with getting incoming calls I want to leave AOL Talk and also AOL although I have no complaint with the broadband service, but they say if I leave before January they will charge £68. I want to leave because they are not providing acceptable telephone service. I have my answerphone set to cut in at 7 rings, and 3 minutes for message recording. It cuts in at 2 rings and the caller is told they cannot leave a message. It is not my phone, when this started happening I bought a new one and it's exactly the same. The message people are getting is not one I have recorded nor is it one of the standard messages stored in the phone, so it can only be coming from Aol Talk. Because of this I don't think they can justify the £68 charge. They are actually losing us money. My husband's customers (and prospective customers) are not able to get in touch unless by mobile which he can't always answer or they don't want to pay the extra charge involved in calling a mobile. The new provider will handle all the changeover details but how do I get Aol to at least reduce that charge?
  5. She has, but I don't know if there's one with someone standing on it. I'll mention that. Thank you.
  6. Thank you for your reply, it's very helpful. She has contacted them by phone, and is in the process of gathering pictures and letters from the hospital to send them, but from what you've said perhaps she should hang on to those until after a reply to her first notification letter. Thanks again.
  7. I have searched but I can't find a thread dealing with this. A friend stepped on a broken pavement slab which sprang up and hit her on the back of her ankle, as a result she is in plaster from the knee down, is on crutches and will be off work for 12 weeks. How does she claim compensation from her local authority? (She's in England) Is there a template letter here? She has taken pictures of the injury and also of her now plastered leg. Will she need an accompanying letter from her doctor? If there isn't a template letter can anyone help with what she should say? I'm in Scotland and our Council procedures are very different in most cases so I can't really help.
  8. I don't know about emails but my point was that if you DO have an account it could be well worth your while to check with them following any phone calls - on the 0113 number, not one they leave. This is not the first time I have found First Direct to be very vigilant.
  9. I'd like to point out to any HSBC or First Direct customers that this could be an important call. I was called by that number and a message left to phone another number. I was also left a text which flagged it as an international number. I phoned First Direct on 0113 2345678 (not the number they left) and my account had been flagged by their fraud department which would appear, disappointingly, to be in India. I was put through after going through security checks with the person in Leeds, no further questions were asked. Someone had asked them to verify my address and also spent money topping up their mobile phone - not the number they had on record for me, and that was immediately cancelled. Just don't dismiss everything as dodgy.
  10. From April 1st 2009 First Direct will not instantly debit any overdraft charges. They will notify you of the fees the day you go overdrawn and 14 days later they take them. If this is in the wrong section, sorry.
  11. Thanks. I have barred the number on the phone now.
  12. That bit would worry me. I presume you've checked though, that it hasn't had accident damage.
  13. Does anyone know an email address for Tesco Credit Card? I've searched the forums and the Tesco site to no avail. I keep getting automated phone calls re a matter sorted out (supposedly) days ago on the telephone, so I don't see much point in phoning them again.
  14. I really can't see how Audi are involved at all. The dispute is with the dealer and unless the dealership is owned by Audi (unlikely), it is nothing to do with them. They don't check dealership records unless Audi Finance is involved or to examine NEW car invoices to see that the dealer isn't giving away too much discount - in their eyes that diminishes the brand! I think it's something found by the dealership's auditors - not Audi - and someone is trying to cover up a massive error and a really strange one. Nobody is going to claim a mileage discrepancy after 14 months - how could they prove it?
  15. Thank you- you know who you are, and I won't say in case you get inundated with PMs.
  16. Is there anyone out there willing to look over my Summary Cause claim against the BoS before I hand it in? I have used Scotia's template but changed the wording slightly, and there are a couple of other points I'm not sure I've got right. If anyone is willing to give up some time I'd be very grateful - probably better to PM me. Mods - if I shouldn't be asking this, then delete, sorry.
  17. I'm not an expert, in fact I'm struggling with my own claim , but I believe that means you've automatically won You do have to tell the court, I don't think you have to appear though.
  18. By the way, is there anyone on here who has claimed/is claiming from Inverness?
  19. The account I'm claiming back charges on (now closed) was a joint account. I have done all the correspondence to date just in my own name. For the purposes of the court forms, should I use both names as being the claimant?
  20. I've had that letter. The advice given on here is to go ahead with your claim - they're just stalling for time.
  21. Tony Baker, director of operations, Capital Bank Motor Finance
  22. OK, sorry, They are both from newsletters, and I thought that people who had opted not to receive mail may not have seen them.
  23. I got that letter too. I'm ignoring it. By the way, I was told at the local sheriff court that I could submit both £750 claims at once as they are both for money owed at the time. Are they wrong?
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