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  1. Just to clarify then, I am about to start recaliming my bank charges by asking for previous statements, does this mean I can carry on ahead with this?
  2. Thanks, I am sending of my request for banks charges details this week as I dont know how much has been added on since I stopped the claim and made an arrangement with Lloyds Collection Department. Back to square one and see what happens, i am expecting it to be tougher this time around because I stopped it last time just before money claim.
  3. This is a bit of an odd one I think. I started the whole process back in July or there or abouts and was upto the money claim stage after getting the usual letter from the bank trying to put me off. My overdraft was £500 but what with charges came to £900 in the end. I was unable to open a new account for credit reasons (of which I am still trying to sort out), anyway I had to stop the proceedings because I stated a new job in a new theatre (I was freelance before), as a result I had to contact their Collections Department and arrange to pay back £40 per month otherwise they would have taken the £900 off me from my first pay. My question is this: Have I damaged any possibility of reclaiming my money by making payments back to collections and would I have to start from the begining with the LBA to continue with the claim? I am ready and more financially stable to continue with the claim, I was so close before but had to stop puelry to keep the bankl at bay till I was in a better position. Thank you for anyhelp on this matter.
  4. Hi, I am in the same situation. look at my thread.... G.RYAN Vs LLOYDS NEW CLAIM. I have had alot of good advice from people and has helped. I am now continuing with my claim depite being without a parachute account do to being turned down.
  5. Thanks for your help and everything everyone however this situation is getting worse and I think I may have to arrange a payment plan with Lloyds as I have been turned down for a bank account with Barclays and Natwest, it seems there is a black mark on my account. This may be due to my student account that I was in arrears with 5 years ago and that has since been resolved or it may be something to do with Lloyds current action due to my account being in arrears. I start a new 27000 job on Monday and wanted to get this sorted out but i fear I may have to put my action on hold till I atleast get money into my account at the end of September, this has all been down to me going self employed and having really bad finances from June, I have had nothing entering my account but charges being taken off me and taking me over my overdraft limit which was up for revue this month apparently and I am now without it and owing the sum of £829.90 and getting bigger. I am thinking like I say of trying to organise a payment plan and then proceed with my money claim to the tune of £2384.84. Any advice on this disaster would be great again, in the meantime I am going to contact Equifax and try to see the state my credit rating is in.
  6. I just recieved a phone call from Lloyds TSB Collections department. I was very cagey about what I said and said I was unable to comment at present pending leagal proceeding. However it seems that my overdraft was up for renewal (£500) and I am £329 over it due to their charges so they want the full £829 back a.s.s.p but are willing to discuss a payment plan. I was told that any correspondance I make will have to go to the collections department. I am starting Money claim today for £1890 an I am wondering where I detail it to, the address in London where I have sent all letters to already or to the collections centre in Brighton?
  7. Phew, thanks for that. I am starting my money claim tomorrow. I realise now just how visious Lloydscan be. I will write to them regarding the letter just saying that it is in dispute and I am unable to comply with their requset pending court action. Thank you vey much again Mindzai. Gary
  8. I need some advice on a potentially serious matter with Lloyds TSB. I recieved today (23rd August) a letter from Lloyds saying that they have passed my account to their Collections Centre for a some of £829. My overdraft facility is £500 so I am currently over it by £229 BECAUSE OF LLOYDS CHARGES. I am self employed and am not sheduled to be payed till mid september. I do not know what to do, I have sent my LBA on the 14th August but I don't kbnow which way to go, the money they are owed is money that they have slapped onto my account over the last 3 months and is through no fault of my own other than being self employed and having a bad 3 months of work. Any advice on this matter would be greatly recieved. Gary
  9. The update. I sent my prelim letter and recieved a letter from Sharon Jones (customers service advisor) saying they will look into it, then recieved a letter on the 14th August from Ms Muscrat Siddique (Customer service officer) telling me that they are sorry and all that but they were unable to help but I could contact the ombudsman ect. To this I sent my LBA with again the charges breakdown, I have now recieved 16th August in reply to my LBA that Sylvia Smith (customer service officer will look into it but it will again take around two weeks. 10h July. Data request. 21st July. Data recieved. 27th July. Prelim letter sent. 14th August. letter recieved saying no to refund. 14th August. LBA sent to bank. 16th August. letter recived saying they will investigate again.
  10. Thanks for that mjanet. I am soting out the LBA ready for monday. I will continue but I was just concerned that maybe Lloyds had found something I didn't know. Like everyone keeps saying, stick to your own timetable not the banks........this now makes sense. Thank you once again!!!
  11. Hi everyone. I recieved the banks reply to my preliminary request for repayment. I have not heard of the bank replaying to the prelim letter with this response, I wonder if anyone else has recieved one and what I should do now? At present I am over my over draft by £224 due to the bank taking charges off me this month and last, as I am a freelance worker my pay changes and is not regular. And this is the letter: Dear Mr Ryan I am just writing to let you know that we have recieved your complaint - and to say how sorry i am to learn that you are unhappy with us. You have my assurance that we will investigate the concerns you have raised with us - this may take a little time but I would expect our enquiries to be complete within the comming 2 weeks. We will then be able to respond in full to your complaint and at that stage, I hope, resolve matters between us. blah blah Sharon Jones Customer Service Advisor
  12. Prelim letter sent today registered post. Should arrive Monday am.
  13. I see what you mean Katieve. From what I have heard the banks risk of closing your accont is slim, but I understand your fear on this one, I guess it depends on how far into your over draft you are as to how your claim will help you, if you are completely into your £2250 and your claim isn't near that then the money you win gets swollowed up again but not in charges. I am going to look into this more myself. I am sending my prelim letter out today regestered post then see what happens.
  14. Everything else is clear it seems except for the over draft interest, I have been advised to include it in my prelim letter. I ham having trouble finding which is interest caused by the charges and what is general over draft interest. The bank it seems is unable to help in defining which is which. As a result I think I am going to aim for the side of caution and not include them to be safe.
  15. Yes I have but i want to make sure I am trying to recover the correct parts before I go ahead and send it to the bank. The FAQ section is very helpful in the step by step process but does not mention with regard to O/DRAFT INTEREST from what I can see, it states: Q. I get charged a £5 (£10, £15) fee every month for an overdraft on my current account. Can I get these back too? A. If this is a service you have agreed to, then no - there is nothing unlawful about charging for a service provided. I know I cannot claim for my account fee of £7 because that is totally leagal (along with my O/DRAFT USAGE FEE) but I just wanted some clarification that the O/DRAFT INTEREST FEE wasn't covered under this question.
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