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  1. I have just noticed this thread and thought I'd comment that I have had a similar experience of being chased for money through Lowell Portfolio for an account that has been passed to them from Redcats Finance through La Redoute. I have not had a CCJ registered but Lowell has damaged my credit status by registering a default on my account. I had a La Redoute account years ago when I lived at another address. Shortly before I moved in early 2008 I was due to receive an order that never arrived. I phoned La Redoute, who organised to resend it. Again, it never arrived, so I told La Redoute to cancel the order. Shortly after I moved I paid off the outstanding balance of my account and thought no more about it, as I was not interested in using La Redoute again after the delivery problems. In September 2010 out of nowhere I received the letter from Lowell Portfolio saying I owed them money. I had no idea what it was about so I wrote to them asking for more information, found out it was related to the La Redoute account, and eventually succeeded in getting copies of all invoices from La Redoute. Turns out, several weeks after I'd left my old address, La Redoute resent the order I'd cancelled (though again, it probably never arrived as per the last two attempts at delivery). Then, as I didn't pay this 'debt' they slapped on 100% of the original price in default fees. At no time in the past 3.5 years did they contact me (other than possibly mailing my previous address), despite having both my email address and mobile number (which has not changed!). Now I have to run around trying to get the phone transcripts to prove I cancelled the order. It makes me completely furious that I am considered 'guilty before proven innocent' and that the onus is on me to spend my time and money chasing around after a mistake made by a big company who have the power to place a black mark on my otherwise very good credit rating without warning. I seriously think the rules need to be changed, because as it stand the consumer has no power at all. I am a cynic, but I do get the feeling these companies make their little 'errors' on purpose just for the excuse to pump some more cash out of us. The amount in default is rather small, but I am fighting this on principal and making Lowell Portfolio spend time and money as well, as I want to send a message to these debt recovery companies that it's really not worth their while. I think the world would be a fairer place if the selling on of debt was illegal. The lesson I've learnt from all of this is never to leave unused accounts sitting around. Now, every time I've finished with an account of any kind, I CLOSE it! If I'd tried to do that with the La Redoute account I would have discovered that they'd resent my order and could have avoided this situation. In addition to that, I am extremely wary of opening any accounts with catalogue or online companies and avoid it wherever possible. It's just not worth the headache. Apologies for the long rant, but if anyone else has had a similar experience, whether you fought your corner or paid up, I'd be interested to hear about it.
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