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Everything posted by carnalpleasureuk

  1. Ok thanks, I just wanted to make sure that it was worded so that they dont just send my data, rather data for both of us.
  2. As this is regarding a joint loan, when I'm amending the wording for my SAR letter should I change the parts where it says I'm asking for personal data to 'all information held for this account' ?
  3. Does the SAR need both of our signatures?
  4. Sorry DX i mean do we both need to sign it?
  5. So just send one SAR with my name or both names?
  6. Do we both need to send a SAR, dx? And i did read most of cruz's thread but the it was very heavy going and i dod struggle to understand a lot of it im afraid.
  7. Im pretty sure we did. It was 12/13 years ago and we dont have any paperwork now. They massively massaged all the figures at the time as we didn't meet the criteria which ive heard they did for a lot of people.
  8. Ok thanks dx. It's a joint debt on a jointly owned property?
  9. I do know what the loan relates to, it's a secured loan we took out in 2005/6. I put the information about it in earlier posts but i'm hoping to get some advice how best to deal with Coast as we won't be able to pay them.
  10. Do i need that info right now though?I have done the £3 one just to check it was still on there. Im expecting the letters etc to start soon as Coast take over in a couple of days and would like to know the best way to proceed once they do because as i stated above we can't afford to pay them. I don't mind doing it if i need it now but i still would like advice on how to deal with them?
  11. Do i need that info, dx just asked if the charge was still on there? I know hes been a huge help to you.
  12. Hi cruz yes i have done that as thats what dx said to do and yes it is on there under the name of progressive financial services?
  13. Hi and many thanks for replying dx. I just checked on land registry and its showing as Progressive Financial services?
  14. Hi guys. I originally posted about our Welcome issues back in 2011 . Sadly very soon after, my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer and what with that and several other personal problems i didnt actually take the advice offered any further and other than, as with many other people that have posted about them we have just been receiving the 6 monthly arrears notice with no other contact. Now we have been informed that Coast finance have bought our account and the original worries have raised their ugly heads again. I have read a few other posts with people in similar situations and am hoping one of the Welcome finance experts would be able to offer some advice as to what we should do now. The original secured loan was for approx £19-20000 and we have been informed that we owe £27000. We got only ever paid a few months as we went bankrupt several months after taking the loan out and have never really got back in nto a position to be able to start repaying again following health issues for both my wife and myself. I am expecting the letters and threats to begin arriving again soon and would really appreciate some advice on how to handle this new version of our situation? Many thanks in advance Any help would be much appreciated?
  15. Ok many thanks guys, will get them off a.s.a.p. and check back when have more info
  16. No they arent the owners as its still on my credit report with welcome, they are debt recovery solicitors. So should i just do a CCA request or do I need a SAR request as well?
  17. So I need to send that to Incasso as their letter states all correspondance to go to them?
  18. Hi And no all advice welcome peter. Its been so long since any contact with welcome(til recently) and cant seem to find the paperwork, so no one has had a chance to check anything. My main concern til now has been what to do for now as was contacted with default notice by welcome and letter from Incasso demanding full payment in 7 days which has passed now. It was a second charge and think it was for around 20k.
  19. Hi and thanks Yes it was a secured loan so as far as im aware it is
  20. Hi sequenci, thanks for replying Our bankruptcy was in May 2006.
  21. Hi postggj? I have been in contact with the receiver and he said they relinquished their claim on the house in 2009. any further advice as to what I should do now?
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