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  1. Thanks everyone - certainly spurred me on, I'll take a look on the FOS website and go from there. I'll keep this thread updated in case there's anyone else in the same situation, which I'm sure there is. I only thought to look into it again as a friend has just had success with Barclays and PPI!
  2. Hi all, looking for some advice on re-opening a claim with Lloyds TSB on credit card PPI refund. A few years ago, I wrote to them requesting a refund of PPI premiums paid due to the fact that I was a student when I opened the credit card and was not working and therefore not eligible for the cover. The reply I received a few years later stated that I was not entitled to a refund as once I had ceased to be a student and gone into full time work (3 years after I got the card) I would have been covered by the insurance. At the time I thought that was it, but now that I've done more research and the court case has come to a close I am wondering if I should write to them again. I'm sure it should be considered misspelling to apply a product to a customers account that they are not eligible for at the time of account opening, but 'might' be covered by at some point in the future. If it helps, I still have the card, with a small amount of the balance remaining, but I no longer spend on it, only repay a portion of the debt each month, I believe the amount is slightly about the minimum. Advice appreciated!
  3. Just thought this might be quicker thats all, all the time I'm not paying it off, I'm being charged just over £40 interest a month.
  4. I have had an offer from my partners parents to give me the money to pay off my MBNA Virgin credit card as the interest on it is astronomical. I'm not really sure how to go about this, I have had the card for 7 or 8 years and went through a period last year when I was missing payments a lot. I am now paying the bare minimum on the card. I also reclaimed charges 2 or 3 years ago on this card. What I would like to do is offer a final settlement based on the amount I would owe minus any outstanding charges that I had on this account. Is this the sort of thing that they might accept? BTW, I did get the agreement for this account sent to me, but I don't want to go down the non payment of unenforceable debt route as I believe this takes at least 6 years and OH and I are trying to clear our debts and save up for a house. This is part of the reason that this money is being given to me. Any help much appreciated.
  5. Ok, heres the story so far: Back in Feb, Halifax removed OH's £300 overdraft without telling him and then allowed him to contimue to spend despite the overdraft no longer being there. Result - lots of over limit charges. He called them and they said they wouldn't replace the overdraft. He moved to Alliance and Leicester. 2 months ago he recieved a letter saying that his PPI on his loan with Halifax was being refunded, he got new loan paperwork which was signed and returned and the letter promised that his refund of monies already paid (£1200ish) would arrive in 14 days of the new loan documents being recieved. The new loan is all set up and payments have started up on it as normal, but no payment. A letter was written and sent asking where the payment was a week and a half ago but we have had no reply. However he does have Halifax pursuing him for what was the £300 overdraft (now £500ish). Today he had a letter from Halifax Collections telling him someone would call at our home on 22nd June (we will be away camping next week). He has already told the collections people that when his refund comes through, he will be paying off what he actually owes (minus charges applied when they removed the overdraft). Any tips on the best way to go forward!?
  6. total 16k, but over half of that is on the loan which is a good interest rate and once I have paid off the arrears on that I can easily continue paying the minimum for the rest of the agreed term (I believe that going back to regular payments will also help to mend my rating), its the cards that bother me the most. The investment is the fact that they are paying for a house (maybe investment is the wrong word, we wouldn't be asked to pay it back, my dad thinks that renting is throwing money away and supports OH's idea of buying somewhere cheap and in bad condition and them doing it up together, they get on very well.), so they would not offer the money to pay for my debt instead, I thought someone might suggest that.
  7. I know, but we already have a deposit promised from both of our parents as they have no morgages and are looking at it as an investment. OH wants to buy when the house prices are at a good level which is likely to be in the next few years. He has no debt except a car loan that he has never missed a payment on. I don't want to be the one to ruin our changes of buying somewhere so I'd like to work on not letting my credit record get any worse/mending it gradually as I'm paying off what I owe. And no, I'm not about to ask either my OH or my parents to put anything towards my debts, I was stupid as a student, spent way more than I could afford and its up to me to sort it out now that I have a decent job. Its none of their responsibilities and tbh they know I have debt but they don't know the total amount and I don't want them to.
  8. Ok, thanks. I'll scan the 2 I have later and post them up on here. With the Edge card, its now being dealt with by some finance company I've never heard of who apparently aren't a debt collection agency and GE Money (who do the edge card) send accounts to them all the time. So am I right in thinking that the best thing to do is keep my current lower payments to all the other cards and pay the rest of my available money onto the high interest one (MBNA)? One question about unenforceable debt, I have read that if the agreement is unenforceable, it remains in dispute for up to 6 years unless a valid agreement is found. If this happens, does it not continue to show up on my credit record as an unsettled debt with no payments and would this not prevent me from getting a morgage with my partner in a few years time?
  9. Sorry if I'm being dense but whats a kt? The only one I've claimed charges on was the virgin one, I won £250 but this was a couple of years ago now, can I claim again as they have applied more charges since then?
  10. The 2 big cards, MBNA and Lloyds (both 2.5k owed) I have the agreements for, thought I'm not sure how to tell if they are enforceable, the lloyds one is really small, its a bad photocopy oh the agreement which was originally with More Than but was changed to Lloyds a few years ago. The other card is Egg but I haven't cca's them, this one is for just over £400. The store cards are Ikea and Comet Edge, I hadn't thought of cca-ing them, the comet edge one has just been passed to a different finance company without any notice to me from GE Money, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw them letter from the new finance company as it looked like a debt collection company - luckily the lady there was very nice and assured me it wasn't. The loan is also with egg, I haven't cca'd them as it was an online loan signup and only done September or October 07 so I didn't think it would be worth it. I did contact CCCS months ago when I was in real trouble and spoke to someone there but in the end chose to arrange a payment plan individually with each company I owed. Now that I can afford to pay off a sensible amount a month, I didn't think that a formal payment plan would be a good way to go, as I want to work on trying to repair my credit rating a bit whilst paying off the debt. I also still do self employed work in the evenings so I have small sporadic amounts of extra money coming in which I will be using to pay lumps off the highest interest card (currently MBNA, its a ridiculous amount of interest!)
  11. I currently have 1 loan, 3 cc's and 2 sc's At the end of May 08 I lost my f/t job, I did a very small amount of self employed work before managing to get a p/t job in a shop in July 08 and part time pizza delivery driving in August 08. I was bringing in just about enough money to survive on but not enough to maintain the payments I needed to make on my debts. I wrote a letter to each company stating my financial situation and all but MBNA cc agreed to this, MBNA have been a complete pain in the backside, but somehow I have managed to avoid them selling the debt on. Anyway in Oct 08 I interviewed for a new f/t job which I got (something I am so grateful for) and am now earning 2 more than in the previous job. This new financial position means that I am once more able to make the minimum payments on the existing debts but I am now in arrears due to making reduced payments while I was out of f/t employment. I really want to find a way to start clearing my debts but am not sure how to get started! I am currently pursuing Lloyds (one of my cc's) for PPI insurance which was missold and I have claimed for charges previously on the MBNA card (about 2 years ago now).
  12. Over a month ago I sent a letter to reclaim my PPI charges, a week or so later they replied saying they were dealing with my claim, then... Got 2 letters in the post today, one telling me that card services in Brighton are very sorry but they have to come to a conclusion about my complaint, and one stating that they don't think the policy was missold and they will not be repaying my premiums. They are both dated 31st July! They have stated that as a student I would have been eligible for some small parts of the policy and then that if at some point I became employed, I would have been eligible for the unemployment and sickness cover. They then go on the say it was my responsibility to check the policy documents. I have looked for said documents and although I have everything else that came with my card, no documents. The only mention of PPI I can find is a very small computer checked box on my agreement (which they sent me, its not easy to read as it appears to be a bad photocopy). They then go on to say ' We have also sent you monthly statements which have shown the premiums charged and had you wished to query these premiums or cancel the cover, you could have contacted us at any time'. Well isn't that what I'm doing now? I never queried them before as I believed that this was something that came with the card and I had no choice in. Any advice on the best move forwards from this?
  13. I live with my boyfriend in a 2 bedroom flat, we don't share money, just pay 50% of rent, bills etc. I recently lost my f/t job and am now registered as self employed to do webdesign work (although have only made £240 so far). I also have just started a p/t job 2 weeks ago for 18 hrs a week. This month the only proper income I have is £135 from my first pay at the p/t job. I have money to live on but only because I am spending birthday money my parents gave me to buy a camera on food and rent. My boyfriend earns a decent wage so am I right in thinking that depite the fact it is not shared cash as we are not married etc, that I am not going to be entitled to any benefits? I tried the 'am i entitled site' but it confused me due to my self employment and having to put in my other halfs earnings etc. I have various debts, all except MBNA (Virgin) are accepting a reduced payment for now.
  14. No, I didn't make a claim. I didn't have a proper job for a couple of months but I'm registered self employed as I also do some freelance web design work so there would have been no point making a claim, so in fact the insurance is still not relevant to me! I've had a look at the pre-2005 rules and as far as I can tell, it has been missold as it was clearly not suitable for me at the time as I would have had to have been working over 16hrs a week. I have all my paperwork I think so shouldn't need to send a SAR. I've read loads of the threads on here and by the looks of it I'm going to have another fight on my hands!
  15. Hi everyone, I'm looking for a bit of advice. I am experiencing some hardship problems at the moment and missed a payment on my Lloyds credit card so had a nice phone call from a lady from Lloyds. I explained my situation to her and after arranging a reduced monthly payment for 6 months she said 'did you know you have insurance on the card' - I said no, and she gave me a number to make a claim. Now firstly, I didn't know I had this, and secondly when I got the card (originally with MoreThan) back in 2003, I was a full time student, and certainly not working more than 16 hours a week so I should not have been sold it in the first place. I have previously asked Lloyds for my signed credit agreement, what I got back was a photocopy half the size of what the original document would have been, but I can just about make out that there is a box with 'you have indicated you will accept the following insurances' with a box underneath which has 'Payment Protection Insurance' typed into it. My signature appears only in the credit agreement box. Whats more, this is the original credit agreement from MoreThan (which Lloyds sent me) and it doesn't mention Lloyds anywhere although I assume it is all controlled by the same bank eventually. Can anyone advise me on the best thing to do?
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