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uky kozak

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  1. Perplexity although I agree'd that you are right I actually took my own advice and persued this further. Guess what? - I won... Email received today: Dear XXXXXXXX, We have concluded our investigation into your Buyer Claim. Seller's Name: Shiply Limited Seller's Email: Seller's Transaction ID: 6301585XXX286434L Transaction Date: 22 Feb 2011 Transaction Amount: -17.99 GBP Your Transaction ID: 4BE49XXXR9439605K Case Number: PP-001-XXX-884-019 Buyer's Transaction ID: 4BE49XXXR9439605K You have received a refund via PayPal in the amount of 17.99 GBP. Yours sincerely, Protection Services Department So people never give up and keep on being persistent even when people tell you otherwise. Perplexity has highlighted how important it is to read the small print and the terms and conditions.
  2. Well I was totally mislead here by Paypal you are NOT protected. This was their response: We have concluded our investigation into your case: Case ID: PP-001-232-884-019 Transaction Date: 22 Feb 2011 Transaction Amount: -17.99 GBP Seller's Email: Seller's Name: Shiply Limited Unfortunately, we were unable to resolve this claim in your favour because the item purchased was virtual or intangible. As a result, we have not taken any action against the seller at this time but we have noted your dissatisfaction in the seller's record for future reference. If you still have concerns about this transaction, we encourage you to continue to work directly with the seller for an amicable resolution. Thank you, Protection Services Department So my advice is dont trust anything or anyone. I can't believe this but I was prepared for this so the punch in the gut was not so painful. As for contacting Shiply well as you can guess not even a response to calls or emails. Oh well one for the big fish...
  3. Tried to quote Shiply's message but unable... I beg to differ shiply...Your site is a reverse auction style site. The contract is between three parties. The buyer, YOU and the 3rd party. Legally you are responsible for the fulfilment of the contract as this is what you have been paid for. If any party pulls out of the agreement then the person/company who has set up the deal should claim from the party who has broken the deal. Yes the deposit paid is the correct method to guarantee that the deal is genuine so I have no dissagreement with shiply doing this. Just like any business transaction if one party fails to deliver then the offending party should pay the costs and the party that has set up the deal should refund the other/s. Its the price of being the middle man... My advice for small transactions like this is pay via PayPal at least then you can file a dispute as you are protected for both that is items and services which shiply is.
  4. Result letter came through saying although I was parked illegally they will not persue for payment due to the fact that the pcn was incorrect. . First time I ever won against a big fish...
  5. Thanks everyone. That has all been done and emailed over to the LA. They replied with a receipt and saying they will be in contact within 2 weeks.
  6. Funny I have just left messages for shiply and the courier basically telling them I am taking both of them to the small claims court for compensation as I now have to arrange for a van myself and collect the item on saturday. Un beknown to them I actually run my own business and will be claiming for loss of trade etc as well. Newsflash: It must of worked as 5 minutes later I had a call from him. Apart from threats from him if we were face to face and being called stupid cos I own my own company and I do things under contract conditions etc I actually got no where. So now I have a recording, wish I could post it. Apparantly I am flexible on collection and delivery so my messages to him stating can you collect Friday/Saturday of last week means absolutely nothing and can someone pleeeeaaase tell me what a backload is as apparantly thats what shiply is...Yes I'm lost on this comment. So will I get my £7 deposit back? Dont know. Will I follow through with the claim via the courts? Yes I think I will... I have kept a log of all that has happened including dates and times of messages left so I will create a new thread and post all the details etc once I get through to Shiply tomorrow.
  7. OK I have done exactly that and they did say yes there was a ticket issued so my guess here is that in his hurry to book all the cars he mixed up the tickets orrrr he used the photo of my reg plate he took after I showed him his mistake and issued another ticket on the system. So reall I need advice as to what I do now?
  8. Ok so just returning to my car I have a traffic warden taking the photo with the ticket on the car. Damn Ok I was parked 7.00pm at night on a double yellow. Yes I'm guilty. So I run over thinking the ticket has not been issued and maybe sweet talk myself out of it. The warden, in a sarcastic tone might I add, just turned and said learn to park...and walked off. OK lesson given, ticket opened ready to pay via the phone straight away. What do i find? - I find that he has completely wrote down the wrong details of my car on the ticket. I have a mini he wrote a Range Rover. My colour is Black he wrote Brown. My Reg is ABC 123 he wrote DEF 456. Question here is because there was 4 or 5 cars booked He may have given my ticket to another car. Q is is that possible. Anyway rightly or wrongly I was actually anoyed at the way he presented himself to me and his tone so I drove up the road and stopped and approached him and said you do know that you written down completely the wrong info while showing the ticket and then drove off by which time he was trying to get a photo of my REG which he may or may not have got. Just wondering where I actually stand. I still have the ticket with me and ready to have my day in court if needs be... Logic tells me not to pay even if the photo of my car reg comes out as the photo was not taken at the scene of where I was actually parked. I am just wondering about the photos taken at the scene.
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