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Everything posted by stuck03

  1. Thanks all. Ell-enn. I'm sure by reading the letter out it really helped. I will defiantly be more prepared and ready to kick my awful mortgage company very hardly up the backside x
  2. Im Home xx Due to me not having documents to support my defence the judge has adjourned it. I have to go back on next available date after 14 days have passed. The solicitor wasn't happy as he wanted a 56 day suspended repossession but judge refused as it would mean more costs for us. he believed I was clueless(which I am) and took pity on me. At least now I have time to prepare. Thanks for today everybody - it meant the world. Im going to try and have a stress free night tonight. Tomorrows plan of action is to get a printer and start getting organised x
  3. Nightmare. Found 2 printers and they don't recognise the program I used! I've pictured it and will ask if I can read it out! There is nothing more I can do! I need to get home and change! Thanks guys I will let you know the outcome xx
  4. Hearing at 345! I've just typed it up and I'm going on the search of a printer. Thank you xx
  5. Do I need to write the date of first payment being on 1st June
  6. Thank you, I'm going to write it now. I need to leave 230. I think there may be a shop in town that prints so will do it now xx your so kind x
  7. I wouldn't be able to work that out as its been bits over 10 years. The majority has been the last 2 years. I have proof of my redundancy and emails with partners job offer. I could take my ipad to show the judge if that's allowed. The figure on the papers from solicitor is 10,886.21. We had a debt company sent from the mortgage company. They used our current earnings and wouldn't use or predicted figure in june so wouldn't put an arrangement in place. not unless I cold make a telephone payment of nearly £5000.
  8. We have a small pension that we can access in 7 years! This would clear the arrears during the term of the mortgage
  9. Iif they think it's hopeless am I given time to move? Maybe I can find somewhere near the courtt to print. It's an hour drive so I'm sure I would find a printer. Basically my mortgage payment is £892.94. I would be looking at paying 920 a month initially!
  10. so kind! No I dont! The place I print is closed on a Monday! What a mess! Can they make me leave my home today! I have 2 children x
  11. I have 15 years left on the mortgage. I have been here for 10 years.
  12. This is the first time I have been to court. The letter states 5 minutes has been allowed for the hearing. Yes I am certain some fees have been included
  13. I imaging there is about 2000 of fees included in figure from pre 2010 before they showed them separate
  14. Yes only a token offer though. Is there a minimum I should offer as a guide -even if I have to beg, borrow or steal to find it
  15. Its a mixture. in 2010 they separated the fees. The amount includes fees and charges pre 2010!
  16. acenden on behalf of spml. £10000 with added charges and fees
  17. I have to leave hear at 230! My head has been in the sand and ive been a mess - reality has just hit home xx
  18. Help, Urgent!!! Im in court this afternoon as I have fallen behind with my mortgage and have a repossession hearing. I can offer the full monthly payment starting June 1st. We are back in work after both being made redundant. Is there anything I should say or do? Im so scared. Can they take my house of me today. Its my first time in court in relation to this. Many thanks x
  19. thanks, who do I contact. I have had no correspondence from them ever x
  20. arrggghhhhh.......not had anything since original ccj .......until today.....what does all this mean......am I going to get bailiffs at the door.....just want to cry x
  21. HI, Im in a bad situation with this one again. To cut a long story short the original debt was transferred to a company called optima legal who got a ccj against us a couple of year ago. I paid it for a few months and then my partner lost his job and I ignored it foolishly hoping it would go away. Today I have received a 'general form of judgment of order' from my local court. It states - 1 mfs portfolio limited be substituted as claimant without further formality. 2. A party served with this order who did not receive notice of the application may apply to the court within 7 days of service of this order to have it set aside, varied or stayed. The applicant must comply with CPR Part 23.9(2) Dated 26th August. What is this, what does this mean, what should I do??? Thanks stuck
  22. Is there any wording I should use.....or a form....I need to protect my house.....thankyou x
  23. Thankyou, by affordable would they accept something that I can realistically afford ie 10 a month or will I have to try and find the original 260. This is why I am in position as I couldn't maintain original ccj amount x
  24. Really interested how you get on....I currently have around £2500 of arrears which are solely management fees, late payment etc with these slime balls!!
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