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  1. Thanks again. My next question is that I am being re-employed afterwards on a temporary basis but am being asked to sign a Compromise Agreement. I have not seen this yet, but am under the impression it basically asks that I will not ask my company for any further monies etc., when the temporary contract ends. I can of course leave at any point I wish but does anyone think that I should have an independent solicitor look through this Compromise Agreement before I sign it with the company's solicitor? Also, regarding statutory redundancy which is part of the total package given to me, is this statutory part of the payment paid by the company or can they claim this back from the Government? Thanks again everyone.
  2. Thanks for all your replies and advice. Statutory is around £3,750 I believe, so proving my point I suppose that I am not actually being given much more by my company if my £5000 includes this statutory amount. Ah well, such is life ay? Much appreciate everyone's help.
  3. Thanks Sarel Presumably you cant claim statutory redundancy in addition to the private payment from the company? Its one or the other!
  4. Thank you for the prompt replies .... I guess, yes, its down to the company. Seems I am getting around 6 months redundancy for 12 years service. Not much for loyalty!! However, can anyone answer another query. Is a woman still entitled to statutory redundancy after the age of 60? And if so, how many years do you have to be with a company to be entitled to it should I decide to find another job and it only lasts maybe 2 or 3 years? Thanks
  5. I am 61 years old and have worked part-time, on average between 15 and 24 hours a week for 12 years with the same company. (the hours have become less over the years due to staffing and work levels. The company is now going to cease trading and I have been offered £5,000 redundancy. Would this be a fair figure as I feel it is a little mean after 12 years service. Thanks
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