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  1. Hey all, This is my 1st post on this kind of matter, and i noticed that many have posted issues with talk talk before. My problem is regarding the frustrating broadband speed and customer service that follows. Like so many others the internet randomly disconnects without any pattern and sometimes for days, and bizarrely reconnects when i call 1471 and have that call in the back ground. The frustrating thing is that recently it was going along brilliantly and then dc'd for a couple of days, and when it did reconnect the speed had been throttled back. When i got annoyed enough to phone them, i had to go through the usual chat - check the filters, test socket, how many computers, reboot computer etc etc you get the idea. By the time i finally got through to the 2nd line tech support, i spoke to a nice chap who informed me that my internet had been "throttled back" to stablise the connection. Anyway he preceeded to do a line test and said there "was a Fault" and if it persists i will be contacted, and when was msg, they say "there is no fault". I reply to them saying that it is "not fixed" and we go around in circles. Anyway when i phone up again i get a different person, and i have to go through all the standard tests, do they not have a record of when i call?? I keep phoning up to get them to increase the signal strength in my profile as im only 2.38km from the exchange, with only 0.4mps being my highest down speed atm. I keep phoning to ask them to increase the signal, but the fob me off by doing line tests, and blaming my software rather than sorting the problem out. Any advice will be welcome, and im sure i can answer an questions.
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