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  1. Hi Sorry for the non reply. I have decieded to try payplan, who should try and contact me tommorow. With regards to all my debts, as i just cannot live as i am the now. Not sure if i will be able to include my payday loans, but seeing i have stop paying them except one which i cleared off at £165. They have started gathering up, so hopefully i can start living normally from next payday. Im now skint, with not enough money for a new tyre and road tax needed. Never mind petro, and seeing i make £1300 per munth, this might give you a idea to how much debt i have in all. Cheers
  2. TBH i just emailed asking them for the agreements. Seeing it would be hard, for me to get any letters printed off. Im that fed up of being skint that i would happy goto court or whateva, just i wont be living as i have been. The companies have all made hundreds each off me. Would i be better just playing my cards and saying im to skint to pay them back, that if they dont accept the interest stopped with small monthly payments. That they will have to take me to court? Yours AC
  3. Hi Not sure how to? Do you have a email address i can forward to? Cheers
  4. Hi I got a reply from quickquid and lending stream. I tried getting the contract up, but having difficulty doing so. And wonga whom im behind on payments with, will only talk to me by phone. Who im yet to phone. TBH i dont really mind if they are legal the quickquid seems to be after reading it. I will pay them there money back, but i cant with the interest ontop Yours AC
  5. They are obviously going to start phoning me daily now. Well i expect it to happen soon, so id rather keep it to a minimum. I dont think my parents would like them phoning up alot, they are very old fasioned. What are they letters im sending off anyway? And how long does this type of thing, usually take to fix. Cheers
  6. Seeing i had payed them all this month, except from wonga. Im sending off the letters tommorow or tuesday. Ive not spoken to wonga by phone or email. Would i be better to tell them? So at least im ive let them know what is happening. Cheers
  7. Got a email today saying i had till 5 to pay before i had a 20 pound charge added. Going to send the letters off tommorow. 8-)
  8. Hi I have applied for a new halifax account with a transfer, but i have a £2500 overdraft lmao. So im buggered for closing it entirely. cheers
  9. Hi Another update. Ive got a savings account with my current bank and have transfer all my money into that. So even if they tried it would bounce. Ive phoned up 3 different times, asking lloyds about blocking payments and direct debits. But each advisor said they couldnt? Are they lieing? Cheers
  10. Hi Lloyds say they cant stop them coming in and taking money out. That if they do its fraud? Is this correct, as it will leave me minus £700 tommorow. And incur charges onto my account. I cancelled my card anyway and asked for a new 1.
  11. Hi Thanks for the reply. I have 4 different companies, just seemed easier to have to deal with one or two than 4. Do you happen to know if Wonga, Lending Stream, Quickquid and Cash Genie are each usually enforceable. Also i was going to cancel my bank card, and get a new one. But are they still able to withdraw money from my account, even with me doing this? Do i have to tell my bank a certain thing to ban when phoning them up, to stop payment coming out? Cheers
  12. Thankyou for the replys. I have one with wonga, that is for roughly £680. Though i only borrowed £500, a month ago. I extended it till tommorow, seeing it was to come out today, when my wage came in. Will i just cancel my card tonight, and send off a letter to them tommorow. I hav 1 with quickquid for £180 and another with genie for £162.50. I started this stupidity back in september and sinse december ive managed to pay back £875 to both quick quid and wonga EACH. I payed back swift sterling £270 last month, and have no more with them. I think ive payed them back thousands sinse then, though i cant manage to do it anymore. It has resulted in a missed car payment this month of £228 for the first time in 3 years. I was at first going to consolidate them, then get enough to help me keep up with my bills this month. I actually borrowed £2000 off my work last month, that went to paying them off also. Paying back at a rate of £400 per month to them interest free. I could sit and go threw everything, but the figures that ive payed back actually astonish me. Will i ignore that payment tommorow? Cheers
  13. Hi Thankyou for the reply. I was payed 1300 today, and I'm short for most of my normal bills plus 600 to wonga. I'm unsure wether to pay them off using quickquid and clear all the niggly other ones. So I'm dealing with one company? I was going to go open a new bank account, and put in enough to get by on each month. So that couldn't be taken from me. I know most people would wonder how some1 at 23 got to oweing so much, but I had a gambling problem that I went and got help with. As I say I'm trying to sort out this mess and know I probally will be stuck with it to the summer. But I can't go on living as I am the nw. I thnk the worst part is my parents, whom I live with are old fashioned and I have the same name as my father. So we never know who's mail is who's half the time. I know he is going to open any letters and make it worse hassling me. I'm not looking for sympathy but would lik a clear idea wether to consolidate the loans to one. So its 1 company? I would really need to know by tonight, cheers
  14. Hi I stupidly got myself into a vicious circle, with payday loans. Ive now decieded to sit down, and try and end this once and for all. I have been paying them for that long, that when my wage comes in, i cannot possibly pay them. I end up having to resort to extending them, thus incurring more charges and more interest. I currently have afew different ones and noticed wonga seem to be the worst in the forums to deal with. So i was going to try and pay them all off except one, then contact them asking if they could stop the interest and arrange a repayment plan. I earn good money, but do not get to see a penny of it and i cant keep living as i am the now. For someone who is 23, i shouldnt have to live like this. Even if it has been my own wrong doing. As i have had loans with banks and payed them off ( 1 totalling 16grand ). So its not like i take missing payments as nothing. Just i want this to end. Cheers
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