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  1. Thanks for the replies. In the end the salesman didn't push it so it wasn't an issue.
  2. Hi everyone. I'm buying a car next week and I'm not using credit (it's from savings) so I obviously don't need credit insurance protection and I don't want purchase price protection either. The vehicle retailer, however, has an 'opt-out' form that I've been asked to fill in saying that I'm opting out of the Demands and Needs questionnaire for this insurance and preventing them from fulfilling their requirements under the Insurance Mediation Directive. It also says that by signing I'm aware of the risks of not having the insurance and won't sue them if things go wrong blah blah blah. I'm pretty sure I don't need to sign anything since I'm not actually buying any insurance products from them. It looks like a form designed to try to scare customers into buying one of the policies and doesn't actually serve any legal purpose. Obviously, it's not a big deal to just go ahead and sign (at least I don't think it is) but I'd rather not sign any pieces of paper that I don't have to. I'd appreciate the opinions of anyone well versed in these types of policies and whether this opt-out is necessary given that I'm only buying the car - not insurance. Thanks.
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