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Everything posted by moggy491

  1. Lol, One would agree if I intended to stay there, However either way I will definitely be walking away come furloughs end.
  2. That's what I'm trying to find out, Can they legally just say go in 3 weeks? As I'm telling them I want to leave in September, wouldn't that constitute sacking me, Forgive my ignorance
  3. Hi Honeybee, The company pure and simple don't like me as I'm not a yes man, And am the only person there in a Union, Its a very unfair setup and they don't like that I question this, My thought is if they just furlough me til the end it would cost them next to nothing,
  4. Hi yes it means I've been therefor 3 and a half years, Basically I will be leaving at the end of September whatever so was hoping if I put in my notice now they would possibly furlough me until such date, Surely if they gave me 3 weeks notice that would be a redundancy or a sacking and both would have to be within reason?
  5. Hi All, I'm currently in a 3 and a half year employment and have had a disagreement with my employer regarding my pay, I have requested that once business goes back to normal I should be paid the same hourly rate as everyone else in the same job as I, (iam the lowest paid throughout the company in this role). They have flat out refused and I therefore feel I have no future at the company but do not want to leave right away as we are currently working at 8 days per month the rest furlough, Business we expect to be back at full speed by the end of September and this is when I intend to walk away, I'm not going to lie with the way I have been treated by this company lately I'm kind of hoping that if I give notice now to terminate my contract at the end of September they may put me on furlough until that date, what I need to know is am I legally allowed to give that amount of notice and can they get rid of me before then, Below is all it states in my contract regarding Termination of contract, Thank you all in advance
  6. I deliver in that area twice a week and taking me off that route has already happened but I will be put back on if the contract had gone. This incident is not something I would normally do but I still feel I had no choice at that moment and found the best place to go, I also feel I have the support of my manager and any drastic action would be on the orders of the directors. Once again I thank all for your input and apologies to those that I bit at,
  7. Sorry it was just an older gent at work asked if I could put the question forward when I was conversating with him about my case.
  8. I don’t know how this contract situation works, we are a company that do exactly the same as Bidvest, and our customers order as and when however I don’t believe they are tied into any contract only that there orders are worth £750.000 a year, but can order from whoever they want as I often go to customers and see other delivery’s taking place and supplying products that I was delivering say a few weeks prior and then i will deliver a few weeks later.
  9. I do understand that they can be dismissed but can they go straight to final written warning? If they chose not to dismiss (which is what they did) do they not then have to go Verbal, Written, Final written?
  10. Sorry didn’t explain that it’s not related to the urinating it’s regarding a driver having 3 accidents 2 which were his fault and damaged other vehicles 1 that wasn’t his fault
  11. There is one more thing. Are employers able to go straight to a final written warning without any previous warnings whatsoever,
  12. I think I’ve done enough apologising and won’t be doing anymore. With regards to my “Excuses” to be fair I believe that I had no other option and if was in the same situation again would still find the most secluded place and do it again as would most people. I do accept all your points that it’s lawfully not the right thing to do which is exactly what I was wanting to know and that has now been answered. So thank you all for your input and il just hope nothing else comes of it
  13. It is food stock so in the vehicle is not happening, I totally understand that she’s (forgive the pun) passed at me going in the car park however at that precise moment it was the most sensible place to go, I’m actually quite annoyed that she had heard me saying I was desperate to go yet instead of offering to open the door to let me use the loos before making delivery she waited for me to go in her car park, and whilst yes she doesn’t have too open the door it still shows what a horrible cow she is, I’ve been delivering to her now for a year and always found her to be a nasty piece of work and so have every other driver that goes, even our rep says she’s a ****
  14. The owner of the land DIDNT see me do it, She heard me say I needed to go and waited for me to go before shouting out, where I was I was out of sight from anybody. You talk about these Pee bottles but where do you not have to still have to get your penis out to use this and where do you do this,
  15. Yep in all fairness it’s very absurd but if my boss believes this then who am I to convince him otherwise,
  16. I just worry that the directors getting wind would force his hand, as I’ve since heard it’s cost us a £750000 a year contract
  17. I dont know how true this is but i have been informed there is no law against urinating however there is for public indecency, being in a secluded place out of public view and on private property would not constitute public indecency, only advised of this so dont know how true it is, was also advised by my boss that you by law can urinate against your back left wheel, however i would then be closer to the building, in clear view of the public and in the middle of the car park,
  18. Hi dondada, I had trapped a nerve over the weekend just gone and my first day off sick was monday, My boss later text me asking if i would come back to work and just sit in the passenger seat to guide my replacement driver around the route as i do this route in 6 hours yet it had previously taken the replacement 12hours , i agreed to this as to be fair with work and also expressed that my pain is less whilst on my medication so will chip in in any other way i can throughout the day. so basically i was off sick for 1 day,
  19. first of all as quoted in my op i apologised twice whilst explaining the situation to the customer, and whilst taking a whole load of verbal personal abuse, To be fair your response Emmzzi is no help whatsoever and only judgemental and patronising. So therefore would request that you get off you're high horse and keep ones personal opinions to ones self. other than that please do have a nice day.
  20. Hi,All please can i get some advice regarding todays events, i was off sick with a trapped nerve in my lower back (I am a delivery driver) i was asked by my manager via text if i would return to work as a passanger to show the lad covering my run the route as my normal finish time is 14.00 and he finished at 19.30 the previous day, I agreed to this and also informed my manager that the Naproxin and anti inflamitaries do help a little so i will chip in as much as i can, Upon arrival at one of my deliveries which was a pub that doesnt open until 11.00am we got there at 10.40 and i was absolutely dying for a wee i checked the gate to see if anyone was already there so i could use their loo however it was all locked up i decided to go to the furthest secluded corner of the car park to have a wee, suddenly i heard a woman shouting at my work mate but couldnt work out what she was saying however her tone was very aggressive, i finished and went to see what the commosion was about, i saw a female hanging out of the upstairs window of the pub (in the whole year ive been delivering there i never knew that they lived above as someone always comes and opens up) she started to hurl abuse at me something about a tramp weeing in her car park i calmly apologised and explained that i was very desperate and couldnt hold until they opened up in 15 minutes she was having none of it again apologised and got back into the lorry and rang my boss to tell him. he told me he would sort it and not to worry. My colleague then returned explaining that they were refusing the order so we took it back. Upon arrival back to work i saw my manager who said that they'd complained and are wanting to speak with the directors therefore he doesnt know what will happen now and the pub has told them they dont want me delivering there anymore if they order tomorrow i wont be on it, (however id only returned from sick to show my colleague this round so would i be in my right to go back off sick) Also the pub had sent in some sort of footage showing my colleague smoking in the lorry and my manager said i apparently "jumped" out of the lorry which is not bad for someone with apparently a bad back, i actually felt insulted and said id already told you im on medication and it does help a little so i will chip in as much as i can. if i was faking it i wouldnt have gone in at all why would i ? would it be advisable to get a doctors note explaining the problem to my bladder that this trapped nerve has caused. My previous 2 deliveries were schools who dont let you use the toilet for obvious reasons and i was in rural area with very thin roads no lay bys nor services. Any advice would be greatly received, sorry about the spelling
  21. hi all i wonder if anyone could advise me as to whether this is common practice, basically i was called in for a medical 2 and a half years into my 5 year award and attended today, i was asked a few questions and then the HCP said he could see the pain i was in and he wasnt going to proceed with a physical examination, is this normal and would it affect my claim, thanks in advance
  22. i have requested such copy of any contract and have recieved nothing.
  23. I have rang the working tax credits today they informed me it would make a difference to me if i worked 16 or 24 hours.
  24. Also was I avoiding tax? I was told by my employer that it has no effect on me whatsoever tax wise as long as I do between 16-24 hours.
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