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  1. Hi, I received some documents yesterday found by next doors' landlord after the tenants skipped house and they gained entry. The documents include a 24 hr bailiff removal notice and a "Form 7- Notice of Seizure and Inventory of Goods" on which my car is listed. The car was parked on the road in front of their property (which also happens to be the closest parking space to my house). The debt was incurred from failure to pay council tax. I telephoned the bailiff today and he replied with "Oh we do that all the time, once the DVLA checks came back we wouldn't have done anything" and then instructed me to destroy the documents. I am 8 1/2 months pregnant and we rely heavily on the vehicle to make a living. I was just wondering if the bailiff if authorised to serve a notice of seizure without even checking who the vehicle belongs to?? Thanks in advance xx
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