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  1. Thanks very much letshelp and HB for your comments and for the video. This is my first time on this forum so it is good to hear endorsement of Al27, HB and of course letshelp. I'm sure you would agree that in general you have to be a little careful of who is telling you what on the internet. I had noted their time on the forum and number of posts. I will certainly be telling friends and neighbours about a great forum. Regards, Paul
  2. Hi HB, thanks again for your reply. I was just wondering if your or AJ27's comments had legal merrit. I will wait to see if this goes further and if I need further legal advice. Had you or Al27 been lawyers, that might have been good to know. Please excuse me for saying, but you seem to me to have a more US style sign-off "My Best, HB" thank-you. Are you from the UK or the US, which might have a bearing on your comments? Regards, Paul
  3. Hi Al27 and honeybee13. Thanks for your comments. I wish I had come across this forum 6 weeks ago. I only did so because the guy at Parking Collection Service Ltd said that I might be able to find a phone no for UKPC on the web - so I searched for UKPC! Are you by chance both lawyers? If you prefer to reply to me privately, you can do so at pg23 at hotmail co uk. Regards, Paul
  4. Al27, thanks for your reply. So what do I do if they do take it further, e.g. to another collections agency (with additional "costs") or to court (with further "costs")? Unfortunatley I have agreed that i was in a disabled bay which they show on their photos. What is my defence for not paying if it does go this far?
  5. I hope you can help me please. I parked for a about 10 minutes a disabled space in a retail park whilst visiting B&Q in Slough and was dismayed on my return to receive a parking ticket from UKPC for £90 or £45 if I paid within 14 days. I wrote to them and explained: 1. I moved my car one space into the disabled bay because it was impossible to remove the item I was returning to B&Q from the side door of the car whilst in any other space. The disabled spaces have more room to the sides. 2. When I had removed the item from my car, the space I had previously occupied was immediately taken so I could not move back. This is also shown on the UKPC photos. 3. The transaction had already been agreed with B&Q so it only took about 10 minutes during which time I was ticketed, and I provided the timed credit note to prove this. 4. I have never previously parked in a disabled bay. 5. I have been unemployed with no salary for 2 1/2 years, so have great difficulty paying this. 6. The management of B&Q very kindly offered to contact UKPC on my behalf to ask for leniency. My letter asked for leniency. They replied with a standard-looking letter stating how it is important for 8.5 million disabled people to have parking but with no reference to my points or request. They stated that if I paid within 14 days the charge was £45 and after that £90. I replied stating how I very well understand the needs of disabled as both my mother and father are disabled and restating the above points and asking them to please respond. I was also informed by a UKPC operative in that car park that they can waive charges. I did not receive any reply and instead received a letter from "Parking Collection Services Ltd" (whom I believe may be a connected company) with a demand for £90. When I called and explained that there had been no response to the points in my letter, they said that there had been a response and I must pay £90 or they will send a further letter and the cost will be approx £149. I could not ascertain whether this has the £90 included or would be an additional amount. They also said that UKPC do not publish a phone number and will not discuss appeals. I have been back to B&Q and their manager considers this extortionate and will try again to persuade UKPC. Can you help me please? I guess I would be willing to pay the reduced charge of £45 but they are unwilling to enter any dialogue. I have also saved them the need to trace me and prove the matter, by having written to them. This is a great forum and had I seen it earlier I wouldn't have entered into any correspondence with UKPC. I have since been advised not to respond to any further correspondence and demands from them. However I have i effect admitted liability to them so I was thinking of sending the following letter. Dear Sir/Madam I have now sought and received legal advice and am writing to inform you of the following: I did not receive a reply to the points in my letter to you of (date) which is why I had to write again. The reply from your partner company, Parking Collection Services Ltd, said that I must pay £90 and when I spoke with them they said otherwise they will send a further letter and the cost will be approximately £149. It was unclear whether this has the £90 included or would be an additional amount. I have been advised to inform you that I am willing to pay £45 as per your parking notice. All further demands and threats to increase the charge will be ignored. If you do choose to take this to court, this letter and reasonable offer to pay £45 will be shown in evidence. I leave it to you to advise me whether you accept £45 in full and final settlements of this matter. Yours faithfully, etc So the question is, should I send this letter or should I ignore all their demands even though I have in effect agreed that I parked in a wrong place? I look forward to any assistance please.
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