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  1. Hello again, just thought i would update you as to what has happened so far. I have had a letter from the credit department asking me to provide new direct debit details.....lol They were not aware why i have cancelled my original direct debit, would you call that a breakdown of communication again. Surprisingly enough i received a welcome pack from utility warehouse this morning along with terms and conditions booklet and your guide to membership, the letter is dated the 18th January 2011........... make of that what you may. Oh well at least i got it even if it was almost 2 months late, it looks to me as if utility warehouse are trying to cover their tracks by sending backdated post that i should have received initially now. No problem there then, funnily enough there are no clauses or anything close about fair usage policy. I was just thinking that if the tariff that i selected in the 1st instance was governed by a fair usage policy eventhough it stated unlimited minutes and texts then surely there would have been something in the paperwork to inform me as to how i could find out how many minutes and texts i had used. Maybe a certain number that i could dial or something else where i could check how many mins and texts remained. No one even mentioned that to me not the representative, angela o,donnell or customer services. I am a stickler when it comes to reading small print and terms and conditions and i know utility warehouse got it wrong so why are they acting as if they have done everything by the book. I have not heard further from utility warehouse and will wait to see how long it takes the company to get in touch with me, probably about payment not my complaint. I shall endevour to keep you informed as and when i know more.
  2. Thank you for replying to my post i was wondering when you would reply as you have a knack of sniffing out anyone who is unhappy with utility warehouse. Although i welcome ur opinion in this situation i do believe that as you have a vested interest in utility warehouse ur opinions are biased. There's a saying that goes 'Never bite the hand that feeds you', no disrespect but utility warehjouse is filling your pockets so you are going to defend them till death do u part. Please don't make assumptions that i am a business user or that the phones were aquired for business use as this is not the case. Next time rather than assuming it would be better to just ask don't u think. Give a teenager a mobile phone, especially todays teenagers and u will realise how long they spend on the phone as well as getting on with their daily lives. I did welcum ur opinion on bad customer services as this is something that cannot be disputed. I do apolagise if i have upset you in any way or form as this was not my intention!
  3. Thank u so much for the info i really do apreciate ur input. Update time............ I phoned utility warehouse yesterday and waited 20 minutes b4 i spoke 2 sum1, i then had to wait another 7 minutes to speak to the head of customer relations( Angela O'Donnell). I had to explain everything again, i felt as if i were banging my head against a brick wall. Anyway this lady did not want to listen anything i was saying except that she wanted to know if i was going to pay earlier for the services and advance one months payment........lol I told her she was arrogant as well as condescending with her behaviour and tone of voice so she told me shev was going to terminate my account which she consequently did. I was also told by angela that i had no desire to pay the bill from the onset and had signed the paperwork with this in mind. She also told me that she had been trying to contact me via the home phone which does not accept witheld numbers so she rang on all the sims but no one had answered. My answer to that was the distributor had no problems phoning me at home but it could have been possible if she was ringing via switchboard. But there were no calls received on the sims as we were all waiting for the service to be reconnected and did not ignore nor disconnect any calls. That's when she sounded irate, she then went on 2 explain that she was charging me for the 5th sim which has not been activated, i refused to pay for that sim as i had asked the lady wen i originally placed an order for it if i would be charged and she had told me i would be charged wen i activated it. I have worked in customer relations for a long time and have never had anyone make lame excuses or snide remarks bcoz of the position they are in......this lady is a dragon with a chip on her shoulder. All i have got from utility warehouse is excuses, promises of ringing me back which never happened, lies and bad behaviour. I did tell her that i wanted to contact charles wigoder( the boss) in writing directly and was told to write to the address on my correspondence, so i asked wether it would be opened on post opening and be dealt with by sum1 else and the answer was a definate defiant no. So i continued to tell her that i had spoken to another customer services memeber who had assured me that indeed that would be the case and charles would never know about the letter as the top execs would deal with it. bless her cotton socks she even told me how to get my complaint directly to the elusive charles. By the way the advertising standards agency has been in touch and i am also liasing with them so keep checking bcoz i am not going to let these deluded people fleece me for a penny, i wil be making a payment but only for the services used. I did ask angela why the rest of my sims had been manually barred and she told me bcoz one of the sims had gone over so i argued that the last time that happend my other sims were still active, she knew that but decided to ignore answering. I then went on2 ask how many minutes i had used on the 3 sims and was told in a very abrupt maner that she would not provide an answer bcoz it had no relevance to the situation as a whole. I have concluded that utility warehouse r not interested in the customer as a person rather as a number with money in the bank to be fleeced like a sitting duck!!! The customer is wrong angela o'donnell is right in the decisions she makes and had no calms in telling u that u r a person who had no intention of paying for services signed for as my intention was to fraudently obtain services 4 wich i had no intention to pay for. The womens integrity is flawed this is what i told her aswel as mentioning that she was an employee of u.w not the companies boss and was getting paid to resolve problemetic customer issues not escalate them as she did. She did say i had breached the rules by cancelling my d.d. but i explained that i did not do this without u.w's knowledge as i informed the distributor until such a time that my complaint was resolved. If u phone u.w to complain don't bother or be prepared 2b shouted at, interupted while ur talking without an aplogy and be labelled a liar and a cheat which really is satisfaction in it self as charles wigoder's ethos for the company was the complete oposite. Hopefully will keep u guys updated about trading standards and the advertising standards agency, my goal for 2day is to reply to these two instituitions and to mail rip off britain, martins money saving tips forum, Dom Little and watchdog!
  4. Thanks for ur comments piggybilling it is appreciated. The agent that i signed up with is a very nice man with a very calmimg manner and he did not pressure or push me into anything. In fact trying to deal with this sad situation even he is annoyed as he has worked with the company for many years and is the most down to earth gentleman that you could meet. As for utility warehouse they have been promising to phone me but as yet no calls, getting no where fast just yet, no services since last friday!
  5. Hi everyone, newbie jus joined up to recall my receny experience with Utility Warehouse. I recently signed up 2 the value max mobile phone package which has unlimited minutes and texts. The meaning of unlimited is defined by the following: Having no restrictions or controls, having or seeming to have no boundaries. I signed up for four sim only deals for myself n family. I started to have problems from the moment the sims were activated, one of the sims kept disconnecting continuously while on a call, so i perservered a little only for a txt message to be received stating that i was near the end of my free minutes. So i contacted my agent as well as customer services to resolve the issue, i was told that it was a technical error and that i had unlimited calls n txts. After only 22 days the same sim that i was having the initial problems with gave a message when trying to dial that we had exceeded our minutes so calls were barred until such a time that i could contact customer services. So again i contacted my agent and customer services, only to be told that there was a fair usage policy on the tarrif of 3000mins, do bear in mind that i also had unlimited txts of which only 2 were sent. The agent apolagised saying he was not aware of this when he sold me the plan and because this new sim deal had been rolled out quickly that he had not been on a course explaining all this which usually would be normal practice. I told my agent that trading standards as well as the advertising agency would be very interested as the advertising(leaflets distributed) were misleading. The reason i say this is because on the leaflets it shows all the three available tariffs for the mobile phone, 2 of them state how many minutes are included in the package, the 3rd one just says unlimited txts and calls...... nothing in small print etc written about a fair usage policy of 3000 minutes. My agent rang customer services and was told that the fair usage policy is stated in small print, which i simply can not find in the paperwork provided to me by utility warehouse or on the original leaflets shown to me although i can say since friday the agent has started writting this in now with a pen!!! I phoned customer services as all my sims had suddenly been barred after i told my agent that i would be taking the complaint further. The representative i spoke to told me he did not know why a Manual Bar had been put on my other 3 sims. I questioned him if it had anything to do with me taking my complaint further i was told he did not know. I was told that the reason the sims had been barred later on was in fact because they wanted me to pay the monies for the sim that had reached 3000 minutes before the service to the other sims could be reconnected. Now payment is taken at the end of the month and i asked if i would be sitting down twiddling my thumbs till the end of the month(17 days) when money would be taken out, what about my loss of service!!! I was told there was nothing they could do until payment was taken at the end of the month. So i phoned my bank up and cancelled the DD and also changed all my details. Now when utility warehouse set up a new DD i will be informed and i can decline which i most certainly wii. I have explained to the agent who signed me up that i will wait for a correct calculation of 22 days service and pay him directly in cash. The reasoning behind this is that when i asked customer services if i could cancel which i may well do i was told i still had to pay a month upfront ( upto the end of march) as it was in the agreement. So utility Warehouse are quite calm in touting their small print but are absolutely pathetic in customer services and this is coming from someone who has been training people in customer service skills for years. As for what happens next, the agent is trying to bring it to the attention of staff higher up in ranking. Do i expect fairness only time will tell as miracles do happen....lol
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