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  1. sorry to hear that, hope the next step goes better for you, will keep an eye on your thread to see what happens, good luck for the future
  2. thanks everyone, I sent all letters previous to court to bishopgate, then to cobbetts
  3. I got notification of being allocated to small claims track, then the next day I received a check from cobbetts for full amount, so watch your post, it will be on its way.
  4. thanks again everyone, please let us know how you get on in court, we will all be thinking of you, give natwest a big kick up the you know where :grin: , they need it
  5. natwest seem to be waiting until a court date is set, what they are doing with you they have done with us all, so don't be worried, don't wait to put your A/Q into court, get it in asap it shows the court that you are not messing about the same way that cobbetts are, so get that A/Q in, then just sit back and wait, things will move eventually and good luck
  6. thanks all, could my thread be changed, I think it gives encouragement to those just starting out to see at a glance that we do win if we persevere
  7. congratulations, I got mine too today, hope there are more out there got their money too
  8. just got in from the hospital and guess what, I have won yipee got all my money back, but keep it to yourselves, I am not supposed to tell anyone :lol:
  9. I havent thought about what documents I will send in yet, I was going to look through a few threads and see what those that have gone before me have sent, I was hoping to get my money before court, but if I have to go to court, then I am ready and willing.
  10. ditch the advantage gold account, the only ones to benefit from it is the bank I did because I never benefited from it and was advised by nwsm to get rid of it
  11. I ahve just received my court date, it is set for the 14th december and is allocated to the small claims track, so will start to get my documents together to send in to the court, if things go the same for me as they have for others, I will get paid out befor then, wonder how long the courts will let cobbetts waste their time like this?
  12. just send a letter saying you will accept as partial payment and will continue to claim the rest, they will withdraw the offer anyway
  13. they send a cheque, but they seem to be making the cheques out so that you have to pay them into the account that you have claimed the charges back from, they often make an offer before the court stage, but it is for a lot less than you are asking, best to accept the offer as only part payment, and state that you intend to carry on with your claim, if they offer full amount then you can just accept it
  14. congraatulations, sorry I forgot to say it earlier,
  15. are they allowed to stipulate which account it is paid into, it doesent seem right, and if they are doing that then why dont they pay it straight into the account, that way we wouldnt have to wait for the cheque to clear
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