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Everything posted by paulie100

  1. Hi Thanks everyone for your replies, i wonder if i could pick your brains again. I now have an application for suspension of warrant form and not sure how to fill in, got to do it by tomorrow!!! The debt with the builder is in my name, for windows that were fitted to my partners house. The house is my partners and all its contents are hers. I am self employed but only take a small income from it as it is new and in the set up stages, my partner earns approx 1000 per month which we are living on. I have offered 20 per month to the creditor. When completing the income and expenditure form do i put her income on it, her mortgage amount, her sky payments etc as they all come out of her account. Also do i say i live in my own property/ joint/rented/lodgings/council??? as it is none of those. Then all the expenses etc are coming out of her account so it looks like i have none help please
  2. Hi, Thanks for your reply. I lost a case in county court against a builder, i did not prepare enough! i thought the case was so clearly on my side that i wouldnt lose(but i did), he presented invoices that were clearly written after the fact and he forged a signature that didnt look a bit like mine, but the judge accepted it (i stupidly defended myself!) Anyway, i lost and the judge refused appeal. I was ordered to pay 2800, received the court order to pay and didnt, now received a warrant of execution to pay by the 14th or bailiff sent out. It was for windows fitted, the house belongs to my partner but i dealt with the builder so they took me to court! Does it make a difference if the house and all in it are legally my partners? Hope you can advise me regards
  3. Hi, I recently lost a litigation matter, i am unable to pay the amount in question and have been threatened with goods seizure, i could offer a low monthly amount. The property belongs to my partner(i live there), i really do not have any assets, all the items inside the property belong to my partner. Should i still get a statutory declaration done? Any advice greatly appreciated. paul
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