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  1. Nice one Had a similar story when I was 'on the buses' in Wales. Comp policy is/was ' if they have the money for the journey and you don't have change they ride for free'. Enter one smug bu*ger, slaps down a 20 note at 05:30every morning for 4 days running, complete with a cat that got the canary grin... Day 5...guess which hacked off driver took great delight in starting to count out 17 quids worth of pennies? Made my week Didn't know about the max 5 pound thing though...guess the punter didn't either
  2. Should be a fairly easy case to resolve, at least on the monetary side of things; you have the emails stating that she took your money but sold to someone else, no proof of posting/ receipt if she turns 'round and changes her story etc etc. Where it could get 'fun', if you want to go down this path, is breach of contract side of things- you offered money for an item, she accepted and took payment, thus sealing the contract. End of the day, fleabay n paypal will find in your favour- just a bit of an ar5e having to drag it out so long. Ttfn, Kyt
  3. Hey DC, I'm sure some of the more knowledgable folk will be along soon, but in the meantime I would give Consumer Direct a call as well; very helpful, seem to know the regs. inside n out. They will give you a reference number if you need to get back in touch with them, and their website has a bunch of useful letter templates as well. Don't know where you stand on the broken clasp though- maybe the store will come back and say that you were too heavy handed? Very subjective view point though. Also, if you paid by CC or Visa Debit you ca get in touch with your card provider and ask for a charge back; somewhat easier with credit cards apparently- may be going down that route myself on the debit side, so will let you know how much of a nut ache it is. Good luck with it n let us know what goes on Ttfn, Kyt
  4. Nooooo, it can't be...I've just read all 76 pages in one sitting, and it's still not resolved? When you win (when, not if) could you submit expenses for wear and tear on my chair and damages to my posterior? I wish you all the very best with this, and please, please post results- though to be fair, from what I've read so far, I don't think there's much chance of you not Makes me want to major in consumer law now, not conveyancing- don't hate me... Ttfn, Kyt
  5. Hey all, Quick update- have spoken to Consumer Direct and they have stated the following; According to the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 the Vendor has 30 days from date of order to supply any purchased goods. Immaterial if they say 3-5 working days, they have the full 30. If, after those 30 days have elapsed, I have still not received goods ordered they are in Breach of Contract according to the DS Regs. At this point, I am entitled to a full and complete refund within 30 days. I was advised to inform Consumer Direct if the goods had not been received and they would contact Trading Standards on my behalf. Advised the same if I had not received a refund. Was also advised to obtain proof of posting for any hardcopy post. Ttfn, Kyt
  6. Good evening to you all, First post here, although I have been browsing them for a while- hey peeps I have read through other similar posts to see if my problems have been answered elsewhere, and they have to a degree; more after advice about the order to do things. Let me start with a brief (ish) account of what has happened so far.. I ordered a few items from a company called TopslotsnTrains to the value of 82.84, including free postage, estimated 1-3 days delivery time, paid with Visa Debit. (yes, I play with toy cars...) So... 15/1/11 I placed the order for above mentioned items, and received email confirmation of order. 17/1/11 Received an email confirming despatch- yay new toys soon 21/1/11 Sent a friendly email asking for despatch to be confirmed- not unduly worried, RM do have the odd delay or two. 22/1/11 Received an email reply, saying that the parcel had been sent and that RM were still having the odd hiccup thanks to the winter weather (fun, wasn't it? ) 27/1/11 Ok, still no parcel, so emailed company again; stating that I had still not received my order, have tried calling several times to no avail, and that RM are working as intended as other items are making it through. Asked company to check RM and come back to me. 29/1/11 Still no knock from the postie, so off goes another email- stated I have still not received my goods and assume that 82 pounds worth of stuff would have been sent recorded/ tracked/ whatever. Requested he either complete my order, refund my money or issue a credit note. Stressed that I don't have a problem with the company due to good prior service and recommendation of friends. 31/01/11 Yay, a reply. Stating that the company has *never* had a parcel go missing, at worst they get returned to sender. Impressive, would love to believe that...Also stated that my previous order's tracking was showing as incomplete, so must be a local problem. Asked for details of local delivery office so they could contact them and sort it out. 31/1/11 Fired off details of local delivery office. Also place an additional order ( guess I'm too trusting), but paid with Paypal at the wife's insistence ( guess she's not) 1/2/11 Received confirmation of order and despatch for second order. 3/2/11 Fired off another email, requesting info on my missing parcel; as yet, no response . Ok, blatant lie, that was not brief in any sense of the word- apologies. But, what do I do? I have asked for refund or replacement after the 14 day mark, to be fobbed off with blame of RM. Thanks to this site, I now know that RM is his problem, not mine. As far as I can see the order of business goes like this; 1. Email requesting full refund due to non-arrival of goods. 2. Issue a letter before action, if no joy from step one. 3. Start court proceedings Any help or advice would be hugely appreciated. Ttfn, Kyt
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