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Everything posted by AngryDover

  1. Hi both, Just to advise that, in the end I decided to let it go... I did appeal and was cleared of any wrongdoing/falsification of evidence and they left it there, as did the Union. I have since found a much better job, with a small company who respect me for who I am, what I know and what I do, which makes a refreshing change. So glad I got out of dodge when I did... Best wishes
  2. One other thought, it appears that the payment was taken from my old card which was cancelled by the bank recently, due to a fraudulent withdrawal. Is this a case of continuous payment authority? If yes, can I claim the money back as it was claimed on a dead card? Thanks, Phil
  3. Hi Renegadeimp, Thanks for the advice, I have tried to contact CFO to find out what the hell they think they are up to but the number I have is unattended and the emails keep bouncing back... (this was so that I could prove to Barclays that I had tried to contact them) I received a letter from Barclays yesterday advising me that the payments were "guaranteed" and that they have now charged me £16 for the privilege of being £660 over my limit (due to their actions)!!! I did not, at any time, ask Barclays to guarantee these payments and I certainly didn't authorise the payments! Barclays are still giving me the usual rubbish that, as it's a "finance" company they can't do claim back on it! I seem to remember seeing something on the OFT website that stated that "Finance companies" like CFO weren't allowed to pull this sort of nonsense? And that banks should carry out the wishes of their customers. Think it says something along the lines of the bank should carry out a refund, but the debtor should realise that they may still be liable for the debt. Actually, another thought is that they tried sending a company called Daniels Silverman after me, and that I should deal with them... If that is the case then CFO have no right to continue to act like this do they? Running on empty now haven't slept since Sunday as I've been so stressed with this. Any further advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Phil
  4. Thanks for your help so far renegade, which agencies would you say are most relevant? I'm guessing FSA, BCCA about CFO? anyone else?
  5. It was a Visa Debit card. CPA? is there any way I can get this refunded?
  6. Hi all, I took out a loan and topped up with them in May last year... Yesterday morning I spotted 2 transactions on my online statement amounting to £664.42, this actually makes me £660 OVER my overdraft limit. I was thinking that Barclays would stop the payment as it's so far over my limit but it doesn't appear to be happening. I've spoken to barclays who said the usual thing of "speak to the company"/"we cant do anything" but the amount appears to have been honoured, even though the card to which the transaction relates was cancelled due to a fraudulent transaction.... Any Ideas how I can deal with this rapidly? Thanks guys
  7. Hi SarEl Thanks for your response, I will attempt to give as much detail as possible (without identifying myself) The grievance was taken out against my line manager, who had only joined the team I was on at the time about 2 weeks before the abuse started, and also against a colleague (same grade as me) who took part in the abusive behaviour. The initial complaint was made regarding certain comments aimed at me and within earshot of the rest of the team. I sought advice from HR with regards to who I should address the grievance to due to the close "out of office" relationship between my line manager and the overall office manager. Obviously I did not feel comfortable that complaint would be handled objectively locally, so on their advice I complained to senior management. The grievance went in to a senior HR official in March 2010 and I was finally invited to a hearing in early May 2010. (some 7 weeks later). In the meantime, having had advice from my union I collected additional evidence in diary form to present to the investigator, which I am told is standard practice. This additional evidence also proved that the abuse had intensified from the odd quip (or banter) to a concerted attack on me. As well as evidence of what had been said there was also evidence that I was being passed over on team activities and treated as a second class citizen. The additional information was taken by the investigator and she promised that this would be checked thoroughly. Approximately 3 weeks later, I was frogmarched into my senior managers office, where I was told in no uncertain terms that my grievance had reached them and that I should change teams. I refused this as being the innocent party in this I didn't feel obliged to do so. Later that day my line manager and other colleague were dragged out of the room and informed about the grievance. I continued to try and work with them for approximately 2 weeks, but ended up becoming so stressed that I was diagnosed with Work - Related Stress and depression. The ensuing investigation which included the investigator interviewing all the members of my old team took approximately 5 months. Needless to say, when interviewed, the two persons I complained about flatly denied any wrongdoing, apart from my line manager who admitted part of the complaint. The rest of the team also suffered from selective amnesia even though during the initial phase, two of them had confirmed that they would act as witnesses on my behalf. Throughout the complaint it was implied that I had complained in order to take some of the heat off another colleague who was being investigated on another matter, which I strongly refute! (I would have complained anyway). The decision came through in November stating that the grievance had been upheld in part. The complaint against my manager was upheld, the complaint about my other colleague was not due to what she called lack of proof. She also decided that I had not acted in good faith by going to senior management rather than following it at a local level first, also she impluied that I had come across as jealous of the pair I had complained about.... My union had a very similar reaction to yourself in that the decision reached was highly perverse and they have been fighting my corner every step of the way. My rep agrees that due to, the excessively long drawn out nature of this procedure and also the fact that I was absent from work for 6 months and missed several courses which are necessary for my promotion (which as yet have not been rescheduled), I would be able to pursue them for compensation, but I'm not sure how, as we would be well outside the time limits for an ET. Thanks for your time
  8. Hi Guys, Last year I started getting homophobic comments from a few colleagues, which, fairly rapidly turned into down right abuse. I sought advice from several sources (including my union and HR) and their advice was to raise a formal grievance against those concerned. I did this early last year. The grievance process as I read it should have taken no longer than 2 months. It is, as yet, still unresolved some 11 months later. The stress has been almost unbearable and I was signed off for 6 months suffering from work related stress and depression. The latest thing is that even though my grievance against my boss was upheld, I have had to appeal as the decision officer believes I may have made the grievance in bad faith and recommended I face disciplinary action, (which is not the case). Do I have grounds to take my employer to court/tribunal for breach of contract and or compensation? Also The way I understand it, my employer may also be in breach of the health and safety at work act.... I have since returned to work, which is very awkward, and am having trouble with quite a few colleagues, who I believe may be victimising me for raising the complaint, what should I do about them? Any thoughts appreciated.
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