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  1. Hi Guys & Gals, Paid £2500 to insure my sons car about 5 months ago, also had myself & my wife as named drivers.. They wanted a copy of all drivers licences. Could not find my wifes licence & called them, they told me no problem & to fill out the form with her name, address, DOB etc & pay £17.50 & they will request the info from the DVLA. I sent the info off & they took the £17.50 from my account. Been away since the New Year & arrived home this morning to find several letters from them. Most of them requesting my wifes licence again & if they did not receive within 7 days they were going to cancel. Obviously as we were not home we did not see these letters. The final letter states that the policy has been cancelled & a refund of £400 has been credited to my account. Phoned them earlier today to tell them that we had been away, but they were having none of it & would not re-new the policy. They way I see it, I have paid over £2000 for 5 months of insurance! Is there anything I can do? Cheers, Rich.
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