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Everything posted by elerifairy

  1. The halifax account is just their very basic no overdraft account with a visa electron card, so if I transfer £165 each payday and give them that card number I'm hopefully protected!
  2. So...... Payday has been and gone! Quick Quid is gone! WDA is gone! Payday UK - made me pay £55 as a holding fee (10% of balance which i payed via my bank) leaving me owing £495...... Refused to accept a repayment plan over more than 3 months which leaves me with a repayment of £165 pp/m it's a stretch but will be good to be rid of it! Only problem now is they refused to give me bank details to set up a standing order saying they don't have that facillity..... I have set up a halifax basic account so wondering if I transfer just the £165 each month to that account (not used for anything else) and give them those card details then I should be safe from any account raids?! Just want to make sure that the money will be over in time as payday is the 28th so would have to set up the transfer for that date and hope its in halifax in time to be collected by pduk - am i taking too much of a risk? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
  3. So my partner wants to help me out and is covering my rent this month so i can clear QQ, Guess this means I will need to cancel my card and then contact QQ with my new details so I can attempt to make an agreement with PDUK after I default...... Wish I could clear the lot now, but if pduk will accept £110p/m I should be done in 5months! .......
  4. Just spoken to PDUK, Really helpful woman told has cancelled my rollover payment so they will attempt to take the full £550 on the 28th and I just have to ensure that they can't then they can set up a repayment plan for me, Her exact words were "I obviously can't advise you to cancel your card, but if we we're unable to take payment from it then we would be able to help you set up a repayment plan..." Going to try QuickQuid next and cancel my card and D.D's asap! What have others experiences been with QQ as I tried to speak to them at the start of the week and told them I was looking at starting a dmp but all they would say is we will continue to add interest and attempt to take payment until we here from your debt management company, but I don't want to go down this ote and lump my overdrafts in with this small loans. EF
  5. Hi All, Would really appreciate some help navigating myself out of the mess I've got myself in..... Luckily my partner found out about the horrible cycle I've got myslef in and is getting me through this month but if our relationship is to survive I need to be the pro-active one and get myself out of my mess! I currently owe... Payday UK - £550 (£110 due on feb 28th) Quick Quid - £550 (£101 due on feb 28th) and wage day advance £215 due on the 28th. I can make all these payments on this date which will get rid of WDA but I'm only clearing the interest on QQ and PDUK and need to be rid of them ASAP so I can start making inroads on my Overdrafts (which thank god right now arn't too pressing!) I went through CCCS debt remedy and they suggested setting up a dmp which would include my overdrafts but figure if the PDL's don't stop my interest they will be receiving very little in pro-rata'd payments and the debt would just keep building! I am in the process of setting myself up with a halifax basic bank account so I can change where my wages go but wanted people advice on how to go about contacting the PDL companies about repaying them? I can afford £250 p/m right now but with their interst rates thats not going to get me anywhere! All help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks EF
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