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  1. hi Bluesilver1 i have just been checking and i first got in touch with Vauxhall Customer Care the first week in Feburary and they responed straight away asking for the service history which i do not have as i service the car myself. I then wait several weeks before chasing them, each time i got through i was fogged off with any old answer, 'the person was not in', 'the case was still being considered'. Then out of the blue got a answer phone message to say they would pay in full but it would take about six weeks, the cheque arrived last week. Best of luck to you all.
  2. hi all have just recieved my chegue from vauxhall, full payment. phil
  3. i have just recieved a reply from vauxhall after waiting since 12th feb, they are going to refund my full costs, i was lucky that it only cost me £400ish. i have to wait six weeks for the money to come through. there was no question asked about the lack of service history.
  4. hi sarah G i am still trying to get my costs paid by VX, which they are looking in to at the monent (i am not holding my breath) my car was repaired by a local VX dealer and the cost of the camshaft was £216, with the total bill coming to just over £400. a lot cheaper than your garage!!!
  5. Hi i have just read the letter from welshiron and are having simular problem with VX, because we do not have a complete service. Our camshaft broke last june and was called in for it 'Customer satisfaction' check Tuesday this week, if we do not get a full refund i would like to take the matter futher, can anyone suggest what would the ideal next step would be.
  6. hi spanner16 please forgive me but i am new to these web forums, i have just recieved a recall notice from VX to have my cam shaft bearing bolts checked for tightness on my 05 corsa. last year at 53267 miles my inlet cam shaft broke, there was no warning it just started to run very rough, after reading your posts and exchanges with max i was wondering if you know VX are now recalling certain cars for checks, i was told by the VX dealer that repaired my car that they had repaired 2 or 3 cars all ready. i am now going back to them to see if i can get my money back, £432.17 phil
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