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  1. I thought this was a forum for giving advice not criticising-people make mistakes, don't they?!?
  2. I am 24, my sister is older. No i was not abusive, if anything the guy was rude-but then again they won't believe that will they-the woman behind the counter didnt want to take it off me and wanted to give it back to me sister but the guy who lets people through the barrier was telling her 'no' even though my sister was getting upset as isn't her fault... they have contacted her and she has to go and fill out paperwork tonight and we have to attend an interview together-i don't know what this means?? i said i will take full responsibility for it as she had nothing to do with it-just feel awful....
  3. thanks for the advice wriggler..... I am happy to pay a fine-i have never done anything bad in my life or anything like this-do you think maybe i may just get a caution and a fine-or can i get a criminal record?
  4. Oh and no details or anything were taken from me or my sister just her name and her number!
  5. Hi, thanks for your post it is quite helpful. I had a similiar experience recently. I was going to a friends and thought i would use my sisters ticket as i was running late and did not have enough time to get a ticket. When i attempted to go through the turnstile one of the guys who worked there stopped me and asked where my photocard was-i should have told the truth but said it was at home and i did not have id with me. he handed it to a woman behind the glass who said i would have to get my photocard id and bring it back to get the ticket back. I politely asked for it back and that i would pay over the counter for another ticket as i did not have time, and she told me no (which apparently legally they are supposed to do) didnt take any details from me at all. To which i got my sister to come down with her id to get it back as it was not her fault and they still would not give her. Now they have told her that she has to go to a meeting and that she has to wait for the station to write a letter of 'evidence' of what happened even though she did nothing wrong so she has told them i took it without permission and they are now saying it is 'a matter for the police' as it is theft! I have said i will pay the fine and take the punishment for it, so she is telling them in her meeting it was taken without permission but does this mean i will get a criminal conviction? And how long will it be before she gets her pass back? I feel awful but now am really worried for myself too- but what frustrates me more is that whilst i was standing there a black guy got off the train and was clambering to crawl over this tall wall next to the turnstiles, and he just shouted 'stop don't' and let him go-yet was rude and nasty to me! Can someone give me some advice? i know i am in the wrong and shouldn't have tried to use it, but i didn't and yet it is all going forward-i have never heard anything like it in my life!
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