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  1. hehe I know Called Tv Licensing my son lost my payment card so sending out a new one. Told them I can pay £30 next week and £31.60 2 weeks after no problems at all. They said they are going to tell them to back off spec as we have a child with a disability in the house. Finally clearing and sorting my debts phew Munchy
  2. Oooo my fav person who always helps me out hehe Ta DX Thought it would be better than have hassle off of Iqor knocking on our door but with have 2 small children in the house is not good. Ta again
  3. Hi All Just checked my post box found a card in an envelope from Iqou saying they called this morning thing is the envelope was stamped?? Anyway I owe them £61.60 and I can still access my TV licensing account online. Basically I fell behind as we havent long found out that my son has a disability and still trying to get him sorted and get used to it. Should I ignore Iqor and pay the remainder of what I owe them next week (TV Licensing not Iqor), well I can only pay £30 of it but better than nothing. Once I've got it up to date im switching over to direct debt then I wont have to worry about missing the payments. Do you think this is a good idea? Munch
  4. Hi DX Called the enforcement team at the court (not the baliffs) said I can pay the remander of the fine next week and I also mentioned that I recieved a letter from Marston's. They never contacted Marston's so they have emailed them to tell them to cancel it as im paying it in full next week only my fine the £45 not the additional £85 Marston's wanted. It is someone from the court who is after me but they have been contacted and notified. I did appologise to them for not paying for the rest of the fine just simple got forgotten after my son's diagnoses which she understood and asked what he had and is he ok which i wasnt expecting. Thanks for all the help DX your a star
  5. P.S Not the enforcement officer with the baliffs its the enforcement team with the courts I spoke to them at the beginning of the year when i was struggling to pay the first fine off.
  6. Yes Sir Understood Sir hehe Yer im scared stiff of baliffs ill never call them but i'll call the court when I get home tomorrow if I dont have no luck there ill call the enforcement officer. I'll let you know how it goes. Yep pretty much since we found our about his diagnoses we have been worried bout him as well as dealing with a 1 yr old which is no easy task at the moment. I might just pop up there and explain to the lady at the desk that ive paid all the fine except the £45 left which i can pay next week when I get my pennies and take my son's letter up stating he has development delay so they have a record of it. Ta DX
  7. me saying the fine i mean the £45 not the stupid £85 they want for a letter being sent out
  8. Yep they knew we are unemployed and recieving joint JSA and child benefit and child tax creds at the first hearing. So call the court when I get back from the doctors with my son or the enforcement team? The only thing the court doesnt know is that it was only in March my 3 year old was diagnosed with Development Delay. But would they accept me paying all of the fine off next week do you think thats the only time I get my money (child tax creds) to pay it off in one swoop.
  9. Thanks for that DX Only problem is that I have to take mt 3 yr old to a hearing test at 9am so I cant go up to the courts until my son has had his hearing test and in nursery which is at 1pm but who do I ask to speak to?. Would it be worth calling the enforcement officer as well ??? I hate putting myself through this sort of trouble cos I will not sleep properly cos of my own stupid mistake. Just been on Consumer Credit Councelling website and they have given me a letter to send to Marstons saying I can only afford £7 per week. But I'll see what the courts say first cos I dont wanna pay an extra £85 just for a letter to say I need to pay the fine when I can just pay the court the £45 left over next week.
  10. Hi Got a letter this morning from Marstons about my unpaid tv license from last year(it went to court and was told to pay £110 its only £45 I had left to pay, which I was going to do next week when I recieve my benefits. I have 2 children one who has a disability (development delay and has a mind of a 18 month old) and myself nor my partner work so we are in receipt of JSA (income based) and child tax credits and child benefit. They are now wanting me to pay £85 of fees on top of what I already owe which takes it up to £130. Now I do not have that money we dont have anything to sell really but I cant pay it in one lump sum. I know its my own stupid fault for forgetting to pay the last of the fine but I simply forgot as well as having 2 small children (1 & 3) to sort out as well. Any advise or help please
  11. Yer got it sorted have to pay £10 every 2 weeks til april then its cleared. They took everything into consideration which was good for us.
  12. thanks He called the benefits hotline and asked bout it he will get paid on thurs when he signs on
  13. My husband is due to sign on this Thurs for our joint JSA and due to get paid on Tues 27th Dec. Will he get paid early as it is a bank holiday? Im due to get our child benefit for our children on 27th and have checked the tax cred website saying I will get it this coming Friday 23rd. Will my husband get our JSA the same day? Munch
  14. Thank you so much hun Will write it out in a min and get it all done tomorrow ty ty ty SFUK fellow Bedfordian Munch x
  15. Got a nice court summons this morning yay not lol Its in 2 weeks time under the sect 363 of the communications act. We got it back in June this year and the guy at the door gave me a payment card, and said i need to make the payment this week only £5 odd a week. We'll I completely forgot about it ooops. Half the time im chasing my 3 yr old son and my now 9 month old daughter so im pretty occupied and the times i did remember we had no cash as we both dont work as hubby got made redundant last yr not long after I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, talk about bad timing. I hold my hands up I didnt pay, and now got a new license today going out by direct debit so IT WILL BE PAID. Lets just say the summons have given me the chills. Thing is they said that I will be contacted about sentencing thats the thing that scared me cos I dont know what they will do in a guilty verdict will I go to jail or will it be something else. Can anyone help? Munch x
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