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  1. p.s there is a facility to set up a standing order on the account online could I do this so my wages get transferred to my mums account as soon as they enter? would they then be held only for the standing order set up for my mums account thanks again
  2. Thanks Glo Ive read a few posts about them raiding accouts, Im working nights so I'll be awake anyway but someone has said previously on here its like fastest finger first on who gets the funds so I just hope I'm fast enough when transferring. No direct debits have been set up on the account but they were only taking the payment via a debit card previously so is it still likely they will set up a direct debit? Can they do this?
  3. Hi Glo, I bank with Nationwide so is there a way I can transfer my money to another nationwide account as soon as the funds enter? M y mum banks whith them to so am thinking maybe I could transfer them to her account when they go in which is about 4am. Thanks
  4. Also I'm sure I have many CCJ's against my name already as most of my debts have been completely ignored for over 3 years.
  5. Like I said before I feel like the debt management plan is a good option for me and I am more than happy to pay a fee for them to deal with my creditors. I dont understand why you are so against the idea of a debt management plan I have a friend who is a year or so into hers and no creditors are hassling her and she gets a statement showing who the money is going to and how long she has left to pay. Also my mum has been on a debt management plan for many years and has had no problems. I get that you can save money by doing it yourself but other than that is there any other reason why people on here are so against debt management plans when the that is the only option available to me other than contacted them all myself. Also I have applied with Halifax and Co-op bank and been declined by both for a basic account so is there anone else who I could try with. I currently bank with nationwide and I have a loads account from many yrs ago which is overdrawn so I cant try them either. Many thanks x
  6. Hi, I went with a debt management plan as I feel it is the best option for my situation. CCCS and payplan could only suggest IVA'S as my debts are less than £7000 and I am more than happy to pay a fee for somebody else to deal with all my creditors. The general opinion on here seems to be stay well clear of a debt management plans but I found it to be a viable option as I dont want to deal with creditors myself. I spoke to Payday Express myself this morning and they are only going to try and take £80 which is a rollover fee I only rang to advise them that the funds may not be there when they try to take them. They were really nice and said if I call them after I have defaulted we can set up a plan but I will be leaving this to the Debt management company to deal with I just have to many creditors and not enough patience to be dealing with them myself. I am worried now that if they can still access my account even though I have cancelled my debit card they will be taking rent and bill money. Also money for the debt management plan. Its D-day 2moro anyway so fingers crossed I will be visiting the cash machine at 4am which is when my wages usuallly go in but I can only withdraw £300 so then at 9am I will be visiting the branch for the rest. I applied for a Halifax account and was refused also with the co-op bank does anybody have any other suggestions for opening a new account? Thanks for all the replies and advice x
  7. Hi Jamie Thanks for the reply. I have several other debts too well 12 different creditors in total thats why I decided to go with the debt management plan. The payday loans are just the ones coming out this month the others I have avoided for years and would like to finally pay them off. I dont know wether to advise the payday loan companies of me going into a debt mangement plan before I default or when they conact me to say I have defaulted. Any ideas?? Thanks
  8. Hi, I am new to this and was browsing as I have entered into a debt management plan and needed advice about payday loans. I have read other posts and I am worried about being harrassed by the below companies when they try to take payment from the account and it is unsuccessful. Wonga - due 31st jan Payday Express - due 28th jan 247Moneybox - due 28th jan My wages go into my account on the 28th and I have cancelled my debit card so they cant take any payments, there are no direct debits or standing orders on the account but my bank cant confirm that they wont take the money. It is too late now to open a new bank account for this months wages and I dont want my bank account cleared out on payday. I have checked with the bank twice and they confirmed nothing is set up to leave the account but 1 person said they wont be able to access the funds and 2 days later the customer service advisor said they may be able to. Would it be best for me to contact the companies directly and explain that the funds wont be there? Thanks for any advice I just dont know whats best to do! Katie
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