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  1. Thanks everyone. I will try to get more information on the loan and PPI, I have no paperwork, and was unaware of it until about three years ago. The other debts I paid were in relation to betting office debts which were being collected by companies using very intimidating bailiffs. Also a couple of outstanding council tax debts whcih he hadn't paid over a couple of years, and HP on his car which was seized by police some time after he left me, after some crime or other, I don't know the details. I was so anxious and ashamed of being in that position, and really keen to have nothing more to connect me with him, let alone my teenage son, that I just paid. That is all clear now. So I thought I was out of the woods. I asked the FOS to investigate last year, as I didn't know what else to do, but I was still paying, and had an agreement to continue to pay, £200 per month. But they never took any payment after last September. I am really worried at the prospect of the loan having been sold on. I've tried to do every thing I can to take responsibility for having married a waster, but I don't seem to know what to do next.
  2. Its still in both our names. The letters sent are just to me though. I have been paying sums agreed, gradually rising from about £150 to £200 over the past three years, but the interest has been more than my payments for some time. They won't say if they are persuing my husband for the loan also.
  3. I have no paperwork for either. I don't receive statements for the joint account. Any I received after he left I forwarded to him without opening. When I had no address for him, I forwarded to his fathers address.
  4. Dear Friends I will try to keep this brief, but it's long, complicated sordid story. In February 2003, it became really obvious that my marriage to an alcoholic husband was truly over, and on the advice of a solicitor, I opened a separate bank account, still with LTSB, borrowing money from a friend in order to leave our joint account in credit, and transfered all household and personally relevent finances into my new account, and asked that my name be removed from the joint account. My husband finally left in September that year. Over the next twelve months I was visited by and written to by several different debt collection agencies who, unbeknownst to me, had loaned 'us' money. Slowly the financial impact of my husbands alcoholism became clear. Two years later Lloyds wrote to me, informing me that the personal loan I had with them was in substantial arrears. I had no knowledge of this loan account, but 'we' had apparently had it for a number of years, and the total loan amounted to £25000. It is unsecured, as we lost our home some years ago, for the same reasons. As with all the debts I had become aware of, I attempted to repay them, and cleared everything except the Lloyds loan, with reduced payment. The debt now stands at just over £20000. In addition to this, Lloyds began writing to me early in 2009 regarding the joint account they had said they would write to my husband regarding removal of my name. I have been regularly receiving default notices on his overdraft (every month, sometimes with 24 hour notice of payment required). I do not acknowledge these letters ever, as I have no card, cheque book or statements for this account, I do not acknowledge responsibility for it. In September this year, my latest repayment agreement came to an end (I was paying £200, and paying interest on the debt). I called the collections centre as usual, and was informed that because the agreement had been in place so long, it would be passed to the debt recovery dept, but not to worry, as I had an agreement to continue paying £200, and they would stop the interest on the debt. I was written to by SCM in August (just after the most recent payment plan was agreed) but nothing since. I know this is stupid, but don't judge. I only noticed today that no payments have been taken from my account since September 2010. And I dont know what to do. I dont have the money to make up the missed payments. They have never written to me to tell my they have not been paid. Could they be taking the money from my husbands account? Could he have paid off the loan himself? We have no contact, nor does his child. He is a violent and frightening man. I have written to the bank on numerous occasions in 2004 and 5 and they always ignore my letters. The FSO wrote on my behalf last year asking about the origins of the loan, and they just wrote a lot of nonsense back to me. I have no energy to fight them. It takes all my energy to keep working and looking after my family. Any advice gratefully received.
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