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  1. hello again, have sent in the allocation questionaire with the askmid database that confirms i was not the insurer of the vehicle, also my reg doc for the vehicle that i own. did that 2 weeks ago., sent copies of everything to the sols and the court today the claimants questionnaire arrives not requesting any mitigation. also recieved the reply from the dvla v888 which states i have never owned the vehicle, i have sent this to the sols and the court today. should i know start getting statements from witnessess, as i prv asked the court if this was necessary at this stage and they said no. again any advice would be appreciated.
  2. thanks again for the help. phoned up the courts today as heard nothing since sending my defence in, they have told me that it will go to mitigation???? and are sending a questionaire out? i assume then the sols havent withdrawn the case and are still blindly following. in answer to the above question, yes the claimant is using a firm in which I was admitted liability on an accident in 2008, I think there has been an error on there part, but alas nothing from them.
  3. Thank you again. I tried to speak to sol this morngin when i hand delivered the letter. She was not in the office today. I tried to intiailly explain that i though it was an admin error, and if could speak to someone in regards to this. They declined, I suguested that if not an administration error then there could be foul play. IT was then sugguested that I should legal represtation, even though the lady I was stated that she had never seen the actual case file. I have then been to the local police station where the accident took place. they stated no recorded accidents took place that day. I have spoken to a local sol's who sugguest to represent my self as she feels is an admin error. she would take the case but at the cost of 190 p/h. I havent returned any defence or acknowledgement's as of yet as am awaiting responce from another local sol's re legal aid ( i was made redundant in december). To be honest I also very wary about representing myself, i know i shoundnt, i have witness and from the outside looks to be an open and closed case.
  4. thank you so much for your help in this case. i cant thank you enough
  5. Hello and thanks again for all your help. The service date is the 25th of january, i have not been involved at all in an accident on the 2nd january and have witnesses, my wife, that I was at home that evening as she was heavily pregnant and ill at the time (she keeps a good diary, i can account for all our movements that day, including dinner with the inlaws a restaurant in the afternoon, where my inlaws actually picked us up in their vehicle to go). I have never owned a ford fiesta or a car with the same reg number. Im currenly looking for any receipts at that time, to see if i have any futher defence. The POC is word for word apart from typo's. I am considering typing a letter to the sol's involved and hand delivering it myself tomorrow, i am pretty sure this must be an admin error, either that or the claimant is being disengeneous.
  6. Particulars of Claim 1. at all material times the claimant was a passenger in ford fiesta motor vehicle, registration number .........., being driven at the time by the defendant 2. on the 2nd day of january 2010 the claimant was turning right in the ford fiesta motor vehicle he was driving at a traffic light controlled junction on rainford road but whilst doing so turned right across the path of an oncoming vehicle, thereby causing a collision with the same. 3. the sais accident was caused by the negligence of the defendant. i dont know if im reading this wrong but at one minute it states that the defendant is a passenger, then states he was driving???? obvioulsy it was me in the car with him, never owned any type of ford vehicle, dont know the chap, never had a car witht the same reg ... so on and so on... it continues. in section b of the doctors report history it states the following. on the 2nd january 2010 at 6pm to 7pm, he states that he was a passenger, siiting in the front seat, with his seatbelt fastened, his head restraint present, of a car being driven by a friend, Mr.Help, when whilst slowly mobile, turning right at a junction at a traffic island they wew involved in a collision with an approaching car that struck their rear nearside. Their vehicle was damaged and written off, no airbags deployed, the impact moderate in intensity and as a result he sustained the following injury. .................... ???im stuck , any extra help would be super. thank you in advance.
  7. Hello, firstly my witness, is prepared to sumbit a written statement and go to court if necessary. I spent the evening at home, the accident took place between 6 and 7pm. Any way the first letter i received reads.... we act for mr ....... who was invovled in a road traffic accident with you on the above date. ourclient has suffered loss and damage in the accident and holds you legally responsible because you attempted a right hand turn manouver across the path of a vehicle in which our client was travelling when it was not safe to do so. our client has suffered personal injuries as a result of the accident which we in understand are soft tissue damage to the neck. our client has not so far had any treatment in any nhs hospital as a result of the accident on the information presently available we donot believe that there will be a loss of earnings claim in this case a copy of the letter is enclosed so that you can send it on to your insurance company who will need to see this letter as soon as possible and it may effect your insurance cover and/or the conduct of any subsequent proceedings if you not send this letter to them. At this stage we are not aware of any potential defendant. Under the personal injuries protocol you and your insurers are obliged to reply to letter within 21 days, yours sincerely. camps thats the initial letter, after some digging through my files i remembered that i was responsible for an accident in june the prior year and again the sols involved where camps. I am no being to believe that the claiment was in an accident with a person as the same name as me but he had no address for them. Camps have then added my address.... but any way i contacted my insurers after the letter, obviously they had heard nothing, since i was never invovled in the accident. I phoned camps and after some delay they responded to me stating it was possably an admin error. I will post from the poc shortly
  8. Thank you, I will post the documents up as soon as I can. Thanks again.
  9. I didnt know which forum to post this in, but a lot of the posts on here seem to bee reguarding car's and insurance. I have today received papers from a local county court asking for 3k in fees for a car accident i wasnt involved in. Also in this pack, I recieved was a doctors summary of the persons injuries in the car crash, and a written statement of how these injuries occured. I was apparently driving a ford fiesta, when i crashed the car into another at a roundabout, my passenger is the person claiming. The person in question, I have never met or known of, the car is something i never owned, the reg number is not a number of any vehicle i have owned. I have witnesses that i was elsewhere at the time of the alleged incident. Now the twist, I originally rec paper work in regards this claim from the solicitors, camps, in July. I spoke to someone in the office who confirmed that this was an admin error, but unfortunatly have no record of whom i spoke to and what time. How could this now be tranlated into a county court letter and a signed decleration of truth. I am at a loss , where sould i turn, the police, speak to solicitors again? any help would be greatfully appreciaited.
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