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  1. Mercedes Benz leasing offers Beware of mercedes benz leasing offers and the mercedes benz lease rip off. mercedes benz leases at the end of the lease! Beware leasing offers from mercedes benz. I had a car for 2 years, it was immaculate, under the mileage, not a scratch. I loved that car. 2 weeks after collection I get a bill for damage for £650. I query it and I'm met by 2 separate advisers on different occasions who were downright rude and stopped short of calling me a liar when i said it wasn't damaged by me. The photos are as clear as mud. I said I won't pay, they set their debt collectors on me calling every day, letters, texts. I call back same problem. I haven't time for a fight so I paid them. My company have 4 lease cars, we won't EVER lease another MB again following their attitude. I make it my point to tell every businessman I meet my story, so far 2 business people (in 2 months) I associate with have NOT leased MB. Its now a sport to me, this will cost them more than £650 in lost orders they stung me for. I hope it is worth it for them.
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