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  1. Hi all. I wonder if anyone can give me any advice. My husband was in an incident at work yesterday with a polish colleague and has now been suspended but we are really unsure where he stands. The below is what happened: He was at work for just over an hour yesterday when his colleague came storming up to him and demanded that he went and got some f-ing tools for the colleague whilst my hubby was in the middle of a job (he is only on the same level as my husband and is not a supervisor or anything). When my husband refused and asked why he was is such a mood, the colleague swung round to my husband and started shouting. He was so close that his nose was touching my husbands nose and hubby could smell the alcohol on his breath (it is well known within the work place that the colleague has a drinking problem). Obviously at that my husband got really wound up and started arguing back. After a few minutes of very heated argument the colleague took a step back and tried to hit my husband and narrowly missed. At that my husband stupidly told him to "f**k off back to where he came from" and turned his back on the colleague and went to find the supervisor. He told the supervisor exactly what had happened and also called the manager, who was on his day off, to explain the situation as he felt really threatened at this point. Later that afternoon the "big" owner of the company called my husband into her office saying that she has had a complaint regarding a racial remark. My husband very honestly told her what had happened and apologised. He then explained that although he should not have said what he did he was provoked after almost being hit. The boss was extremely surprised at this as the colleague had of course not mentioned swinging for my husband. They asked if he had a witness to this and thankfully he did as there was another colleague working with my hubby at the time that saw the whole thing. He was called to see the manager and his explanation of events matched my husbands exactly. She told my husband to carry on but that the matter was not over. Today he went back into work and at lunchtime was asked back into the managers office to be told that he was to be suspended on full pay until they investigate the matter. The colleague has also been suspended pending further investigation. The thing is that the company my husband works for employs the colleague and his wife and under their terms and conditions they come as a pair and if they fire one the other will be let go to. However his wife is exceptionally good at her job and they do not want to lose her, that's why they have let his drinking and previous bad behaviour go without any action. Apparently from all accounts the colleague has been bragging that my husband will be sacked but they can't touch him and he will be fine. This colleague has caused several problems within the company and only that same morning he had a right go at the supervisor. We are just unsure where my hubby stands at the minute and are really worried if he can be sacked for his comment or if they have to give him a verbal/written warning first. Any advice from anyone would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Thank you all for the replies. I have emailed errol demelin, collections and customercare. I received another generic email that thanks me for letting them know I am having a problems and to pass their details onto my rep (I have had this email 9 times already regardless of what I send) so I have resent the same email again to the above three so hopefully I will start to get somewhere.
  3. Thank you for your replies, I really appreciate it. Regarding the issue with Wonga, is it possible to only pay them one months interest? Or am I legally bound to pay everything they have put onto my account. Have others on here managed to not pay all of the interest? Obviously the interest is shooting up daily and I suppose that is the one thing that I am worried about most. As it's the weekend now there is nothing I can do but I am waiting for an email back from them to see what they say.
  4. Hi all! I am new here and more than a little embarrassed that I have got myself into such a mess. Anyway I have quite a bit of debt, around £8,000 or so and have recently set up a debt management plan with CCCS. I have spoken to most of my creditors and they have accepted the repayment offers. Now I have 2 agreements with lending stream for £164.00 and £383.00. CCCS say that out of my remaining monthly money I can repay £5.00 per month to one agreement and £7.30 to the other. I spoke to lending stream today to see if they had received the offer as I had heard nothing and I was told that they hadn't but even if they had they would not accept any offer for the £383.00 as I need to pay the first 2 months installments first and they will not accept £5.00 for the £164.00 as it is not enough for them to clear the debt within a year. I really don't know what to do here as CCCS can't up the payments but because I am on a DMP I can not pay them off seperately as it can affect my other creditors. Also I have a large loan out with wonga. The original amount was for £950 and this is now up to £1,386.99! They also say that they have not heard from CCCS although I have been emailing them for the past month (as well as a few letters and a token payment) informing them of what is going on. I was told that I would be called back today regarding this matter but this hasn't happened. CCCS has offered £19.88 per month and I am not sure if this will be suitable now with all of the interest being put on. I am really, really worried about everything and I am barely holding it togther. I know it is my fault completely and I have to deal with it but I also had a baby 10 weeks ago and feel like everything is just falling apart. Anyway any advice that anyone could offer would be fantastic and greatly appreciated. Also does anyone know if/who wonga and lending stream pass their debt on to and would I have more luck in a debt collection agency accepting offers of payment? Thanks in advance, Kat
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