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  1. In 2006 I wrote to them saying that I can't afford to pay they amount they were asking for.... So not really admitting or denying the debt , but now that I have settled the debt I feel more relaxed and yes I have confirmation from CCM and MIB that this is the end of the matter and that I will never be contacted again in regards to this debt. I may have not needed to pay them but it would have meant still getting letters from them not being able to have anything on my name in case they took it off me, so I feel having paid them this 1k I can sleep easy .... Ash
  2. i hear what u saying but the issue with mine was that they had contacted me in 2006 to which i responded so therefore my debt was not SB'd. and even though i wrote them the same letters wotsy posted on here they were unwilling to clear the debt. also it wasnt as though they were chasing me for no reason, it was my fault for driving without insurance even though it was 8 years ago. i'm just glad to have put it to bed and get on with my life. ash
  3. hi..... just an update on my situation thought some on here might find it usefull. The MIB originally wanted 18k of me, I told them and ccm i cant afford to pay this, and that i am willing to pay then 1000£ they wrote back and said after 1k is not enuf and that they would accept 5k. i wrote back saying take 1k or nothing as i dnt have any more. today i recieve an email that they are willing to accept 1k. i am happy to pay 1k as i have had enough of these jokers and can now leave this behind and get on with my life.. so moral of the story is if u write to them offer them a silly amount and chances are they will accept, i am just a bit gutted i didnt offer them £100 chances are they would have accepted. power to the people!!!!!!
  4. hi bazooka i wrote to them to tell them i couldnt afford to pay, but iam writing another letter of complaint a soon as.!!!
  5. vickiejane, thats what i was thinking, but the fact that they paid the compensation without giving me the chance to defend and not ask me the cicumstances sorrounding the accident? I dont know i think im just gonna have to see how far they are willing to take it, the fact that I have no assets like house, car, ect... they cant really do much. can they?
  6. Hi Bazooka, I will explain my circumstances a bit better. I had the accident in 2003, which then the MIB wrote to me in 2004. At this time I was not living at the address, so did not receive the letters. When I moved back I started receiving letters from Intrum Justisia in 2006 demanding I pay 12000 pounds, to which I responded that I could not afford to pay this, to which they returned the file back to MIB. Since then I heard nothing until recently where they are demanding the original 12000 plus a extra 6000 in interest. your thoughts....
  7. I can't understand that how they can write off the debt for some and not for others yet the the circumstances are pretty much the same? I did not sign the agreement they sent me in as I was not at that address at the time so therefore did not see it. I asked them this to which they replied that the agreement is just a standard letter they send out and doesnt need my signature!!!! And that they pay the third party regardless. My accident actually happened in 2003 but I wrote to the mib and to interim justitia ( the debt collection company they were using back then) and told them that I cannot afford to pay. Interim justisia then wrote to me saying they have removed my file from the system and that they would be handing the debt back to the mib. That was the last I heard from both parties until earlier this year.
  8. Hi all..... I also wrote the mib a similar kind of letter as posted on here telling them that they never gave me the opportunity to defend myself and that I believe the accident was fraudulent. But unfortunately I didn't get the positive response as some on this board. They sent me documents that they sent me in2006 one headed "agreement" which requires me to sign and also dispute liability which I didn't fill in at the time. They basically say That we are satisfied that you were driving without insurance and that you were at fault for the accident!!! Anyone got any advice or I'm I done for? Thanx in advance
  9. hi wotsy.... just thinking in your letter that the mib sent u it says that you disputed liability. just wondering how you did this, as you got banned from driving got a fine and the fact that you hit the car from behind.. would this not make you 100% liable? thanx in advance
  10. Thanx wotsy... I have sent off my letter today. Can I ask if at the time of the accident you got any points on your license or a fine for driving without insurance? Thanx in advance. Ash
  11. Hi wotsi... Any chance u could post a copy of the letter u sent to the mib? Thanx Ash
  12. Hi, called the national debt-line this afternoon and they told me that after doing some research on the matter they believe that the debt is definitely SB and advised me to write a letter to them which can found on their website, stating that the debt is SB and that you are not paying them anything. Ive sent them my letter so here's hoping that's the last I hear of them!!!
  13. Hi, mutaf Jst wondering if u have had and further contact or been to court? I am in a similar situation.
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