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  1. Hi could someone give me some advice please I have been lets just say very unlucky in love and have been very unfortunate to end up with 3 very bad relationships the long and the short of it although I have worked hard all my life I owe lots of money that I cant pay. 2 years ago I met someone who has made up for all the bad relationships and he is wonderful. Problem is he is very green about debt and has never owed a penny in his life. He suffered a very bad divorce himself and his wife took a lot from him. He owns his own house and business and I now live with him. I got a debt letter on Saturday(bailiffs have found me) and am very scared( even though everything in this house is his) he just will not understand that they cant touch his things. What do I do?? I dont want him to worry as he has had alot of heartache before he met me and the last 2 years have been great! I dont work as such so have no real income of my own) I was going to declare myself bankrupt at my daughters house but bont know how feasable that is as I now live here Please advice me Thanks for youer time
  2. Hi, I have just been given the result of my unfair dismissal from the Civil Service and have been found that it was fair although deemed unfair that I wasnt awarded compensation and have been awarded 75% of the maximum available to me under the scheme. Can anyone help me with the implications of this financially. I worked for the company for 2 years and have been sacked for nearly a year, so if i was made redundant now for instance it would be 3 years- is that how it works or would it be from day I was sacked. I was on about 18 grand a year. Thanks in advance P.S Does anyone know if I can appeal against the decision made and also was the CSAB decision based on just the dismissal or the whole process as the employer made mistakes all the way through procedurally but not at the final meeting so that is the only thing I can think of that why they found it fair( they even admitted in writing making mistakes)
  3. Hi, thanks 4 the reply- i am so upset I cant sleep thinking about it. I have pinned everything on this date and have not worked 4 nearly a year. I don't think I can manage any longer without this appeal now. Surely they is a protocol on rescheduling appeals at short notice . i can speak to them tomorrow but that wont help me sleep tonight
  5. Sorry just read your post again and I notice you put i months notice for either side did u not mean 2 months for landlord?
  6. Hi, it was a 6 month agreement and then run on to a periodic, know this sounds sneaky but I'm going to leave as it is until the month joke notice is expired then tell him how to serve me with a correct 21 then tell him when that 2 month is up about the fact he couldn't give me one anyway because of deposit- should buy me some time. If i leaveafter the 2 months then instead let him refuse to give me deposit like he has said he going to do and I then tell him about the deposit should of been in a scheme would i then win as he couldn't put in scheme as there was no tenancy. If he even gives me it back after the papers have been served would he still be penalize or would he get away with it. Thanks again for your time
  7. Hi, It is a assured shorthold tenancy from Jan 2010, it is signed and it is in England. I have been to the CAB today and they have confirmed that I have to have a section 12 notice and it has to be for 2 months. What they have said however is that although I am correct with my bond being required to be protected their understanding is that even though the LL has not put in a scheme now if he does it before a court date he would get away with it and I would lose. Also if I haven't requested him to put the deposit in a scheme the court would look unfavorable on that and again I would lose. What they have confirmed however is that the LL can not issue me anything if the deposit is not in a scheme Could you confirm if this correct Thanks for your time
  8. Happy with this this...........................................That is an understatement!!!!! I rented a house of a local farmer basically because it had land next to it that I could keep my 2 horses on. I became very friendly with the landlords and (I know my mistake) told them things that I shouldnt off which they are now using against me. The reason they are using them against me is that the house I used to live in used to be a holiday cottage and they want to take it back to make more money again doing that. Anyway on Tuesday the LL arrived at my door and exclaimed that I'm not going to like this and gave me a small typed letter telling me that myself and my animals have a month to get out. I owe no rent an have always been fair to them(even to the extent that I look after thier animals for them when they go away which the last time was only 2 weeks ago!!!) I have done lots of things to the house and to the stables at my own cost(with the landlords approval) and was settled her and happy. The letter that he has written does not mention section 21 or the day I need to move out so I know it is not valid, I was going to wait until the 4 weeks have gone past then tell him that he needs to give 2 months so that will give me more time to find somewhere else. Then I discover this deposit thing and I feel so excited and happy that the smug sod will get a county court judgment and be hit where it hurts(in his wallet- he is a millionaire with 5 houses all very big and expensive and a farm- and for a few extra quid he does this to me!!!) Couls you give me some help with my rights and how to proceed and what to say. I am over the moon but still a little sad that it has come to this and just want a quiet happy life really. Thanks again
  9. Hi Julie I'm going through something very similar. I have been dismissed under capability from the civil service. My appeal to the Civil Service Appal Bourd is in April and I am also very stressed with it all. I know that you do only have to put in a basic ET1 before the deadline date and that then lodges your appeal. The tribunal will them let your ex employer that you have applied and then you will be in the process. I look at my evidence every day and every bit of information that I can find and it does get very confusing but I am confident that I have been unfairly dismissed. I'm not legally trained but we can maybe help each other with support.and bit we have learned
  10. It was stated in the AXA report that said that I needed to be managed under the DDA that I would benefit to being provided with a supportive work environment but I wasn't. AS you may be aware the civil service have got rid of all their temp staff such as FTA and one such person who was on my team was furious that she was going to lose her job and I was going to keep mine and I had had so much time off. She was very well thought off the management(personal friend) and she was renowned for speaking her mind. I asked on several occasions for managements help to stop her comments and trouble she was causing me. She just carried on regardless and noone stuck up for me, I know that my personal business was discussed as she knew things that she shouldn't about me. I became so stressed that I darn t even go to make a cup of tea without fear of giving her ammunition. Colleagues that were previously supported me stopped doing so as everyone was aware of this persons pull will management. It is on record that I asked for help and documented in meeting minuets but the help was not forthcoming so I ended up ill again and on the sick.
  11. Hi yes I was off sick and and it was for for along time and was being managed under DDA. I was signed off at all times by my doctor. I tried to come back to work but did not get the help from my employees that I needed(they allowed me to be bullied and made it very hard for me to get better)
  12. Hi I have taken out names and will change to make more readable thank u again
  13. Hi I will copy the actual appeal on here and maybe that will be of more help:- - I do not agree with the statement that the procedures have been followed satisfactorily and my reasons for this are as follows:- On reading my employers response to my statement I uncovered other inconsistencies within the process that they have followed that culminated in my dismissal. I attended a Attendance Review Meeting on 21st December 2009 at which I was issued with an Initial Written Warning, under accordance with the Sickness Absence Management Policy (doc 1) might I add that at this stage the Capability Policy is not being considered. I presume that if management were issuing a warning under capability then the letter would have informed me of that, I have read the policy in depth and the only place in the policy that mentions Capability is in section 12: Long Term Sickness Absence at point 12.2 Once advice has been received from the Occupational Health Service, the employee should be invited to a meeting to discuss the issue with their Line Manager and a HR representative, if necessary. Although this must not be regarded as a formal stage of Capability or Disciplinary procedures . Contained in the guidance notes is 16: The Line Manager Role at point 16.3 It may be appropriate to simply keep in touch with an employee and give them the time they need to recover. If this first written warning was being issued under the Capability Policy it should have been stated as such on the letter informing me of the outcome , the relevant policy should have been sent to me and it should have been sent to me within the 5 working days - it was in fact sent to me after 8 working days. I received an invitation to a Attendance Review Meeting (doc 8) that was sent to me on 20th January 2010. It was to be held in HR meeting room on 1st February 2010 at 9.15am and the letter was sent to me by my line manager VP(EO) who had been my line manager since approximately March 2009. Again this letter points to the fact that I have been asked to attend a further Attendance Review Meeting to discuss my sickness absence under the Sickness Absence Management Policy and I was issued with a copy of the policy but the Capability Policy was still not mentioned nor a copy of the policy sent to me. Again I will draw your attention to the 2 points from the Sickness Absence Management Policy above. Even though I contacted my Team Leader at the first possible instance of the morning of 1st February 2010 to explain about my difficulties in attending the meeting. No more communication was received from My employer regarding that meeting or any other issues until I received a Final Written Warning that was issued on 9th February 2010(doc 9) It was only noted that I had rang 1 hour and 15 minutes before the meeting, and no reasons that I gave were included in the letter. Even though I had been invited on that day to an Attendance Review Meeting the letter was sent in accordance with the Capability Meeting that had occurred on that day, no capability policy was included and alternately no meeting minutes were included to aid me in appealing against the decision( a reference was made to the warning being issued in accordance with the Capability Policy ) In reviewing the Capability Policy on this decision By VB (EO) I would like to draw your attention to The capability Policy section 5: Attendance Capability Issues at point 5.2 An Employment Review Meeting will be arranged to discuss the outcome of the medical review. The Line Manager will chair the meeting and the appropriate HRBP will be in attendance. The employee will have the right to be accompanied by a colleague or TU representative. At the conclusion of the Employment Review Meeting a decision will be taken as to whether it is appropriate for the matter to proceed to a Capability Meeting. I have to presume that a Employment Review Meeting is the same as an Attendance Review Meeting as I have never been asked to go to the latter as you will see by the documentation that my employer have sent you, If this is the case however I would like to know in what form is this decision to go to Capability Policy was communicated to me. As you can see by the documentation Capability was not mentioned until the letter of the 9th February so I can only guess that the 1st February meeting was in fact that meeting and all the Final Written Warning letter says is the actual decision to issue the warning. As there is no minutes for the meeting I therefore have no idea who was present at the meeting and as the guidelines state the Line Manager should have been accompanied by the HRBP who at that time was AB. The most pertinent point is the next one in the policy 5.3 The Capability Meeting should be held by a Line Manager at SEO Level or above not previously, directly involved in the case and the appropriate HRBP who will review the absence in discussion with the employee. At the conclusion of the meeting a decision will be made by the Line Manager on the next steps. Where the decision is to issue a warning, the individual must be given an opportunity to demonstrate improvement and the Line Manager should agree a structured improvement plan. Any decision will be confirmed in writing within 5 working days. As you can clearly see by this point VB was not of sufficient grade to issue me with a Final Written Warning under the Capability Policy, or was she a Line Manager who had previously not directly been involved in the case, nor was the HRBP present(I believe that as HD was the HR staff cc’ed it at the end of the letter that she must be the attending representative and she is also at EO grade). I had not been invited to attend the Capability Meeting that would, if the correct grade had been present , decided that I should have a Final Written Warning under the Capability Policy and finally the letter was not sent to me within 5 working days . I attended my appeal against my Final Warning with LB (SEO) on the 1st March 2010. As I did not have all of the relevant policies at hand and was instructed to request the appeal within 5 working days of the letter which as you can appreciate after the time allowed for postage of both letters did not leave very much time at all coupled with this I will admit that at the time was not well at all and did not have the opportunity to review everything fully and put together all of the relevant points., I’m sure if I had of had the above information i.e. VB not being of sufficient grade to issue the warning, the appeal would have been successful. I am slightly concerned though that the person conducting the appeal did not know the policy better and would of known these important points without me bringing them up. I at this point was getting lots of advise and help from my new doctor here and had decided to become a permanent resident here so attended my AXA referral here on 10th March 2010.(doc13) As you can see by the numerous letters and transcripts from telephone calls (doc 14 to doc 16) I clearly showed signs that my new doctors were helping me back to work and that I was actively trying to come back. I was being realistic with how much work I could cope with and as I trusted my doctors judgment immensely ,after all the good work she had done for my health, I took her advise over my employers attempt to get me to return to work before I was ready. The following letters to me (doc 17 to doc 19) also seemed to indicate that I was being accepted back to work and that my ordeal was nearly over. I would like to take note of again the paragraph from Capability Policy previously communicated section 5 point 5.3 and would like to ask the question when it states the SEO that needed to be present was not previously involved with the case, in what form does this take as SR although had not chaired any meetings with this policy had been directly involved from day 1 as my SEO on department and was the person who my part time hours were agreed with for example. I had had a close working relationship with her in the past as I did the Weekly Report for her and as previously mentioned in one of my earlier points she was an on line friend of mine on Facebook along with HD until of course I was deleted by them for no reason, coincidentally around the time of the first written warning meeting. Would it be possible to find out if SR was infact directly involved enough with me not to have been able to chair any capability meeting that involved me . Does that also extend to AB as she has had the opportunity to influence decisions about a person who she had had negative dealings with in the past and who had in fact complained about her, could she be expected to give a impartial view based on that or should she have herself backed out in view of these reasons and enlisted another totally impartial representative. I have already mentioned the way that I was expected to sit in a room unnecessarily while they felt the need to type up all of the details of the decision for over twice as long as they had indicated. As regards the appeal I made to JP(Grade 6) on 14th May 2010(doc21) as I’m sure you will read all of the appeals etc there is nothing that I feel I need to draw your attention to particularly. I will however mention the point that was raised regarding the grade of the person who is conducting the Capability Meeting and again this was overruled, also as you can see in the minutes if I had a conversation with JP and I made a valid point she just moved onto another point or said would it have made any difference to the outcome if it had been done correctly or is it too little too late. When it’s a persons life that you are deciding on I don’t think that this statement was particularly helpful or treating them with any sort of respect or sensitivity . I received the decision on 14th June(doc23) and it seems that none of my points were in my favor. As previously mentioned I do not think that Jane was an impartial officer as she is close friends with SR and in hindsight should of objected to this and asked for someone from another division. She also did not pick up on VB not being of sufficient grade to issue me a final warning but to be honest in light of the other points not being taken into consideration I am not surprised at all. I have previously mentioned my objections regarding the CEO appeal and subsequent review for compensation and have nothing more to add to that as feel that the documents you have been supplied with speak for themselves.
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